Friday, September 19, 2014

Crimson (almost)

Look at the colour of this mee sua soup! Wow! Very red, right? The chicken, the soup and even the mee sua were red in colour!

Very kick if you are able to finish the whole bowl of piping hot soup! Very flavourish, with ginger, ang chao (red wine residue) and sesame oil. RM7 per bowl from Aloha.

Other than the red mee sua, we also had Sarawak laksa. I love laksa goes with warm teh C.

My big glass of Teh C

Hubby also devoured this delicious fried kuaw tiaw for breakfast! By then he was too full till lunch time.


Princess Ribbon said...

Morning Rose.. I've always wanted to try red wine meesua, but not easily available here.. So I usually make my own (during the weekends, when I make noodles for the boys).. I have (leftover) chicken herbal soup (or ABC soup), then I use the soup to cook meesua, then add in hard boiled eggs.. That's all..Not the real thing though..

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I loves ang chao mee sua, but never made my own before, usually eat from outside...

Sharon D. said...

I've always wanted to try the red mee sua but never got round to hunting it down. One day! ^.^

suituapui said...

I like the mee sua there, very good...the kway teow & laksa, ok lah. Very popular though. Always a lot of people.

mun said...

All the food sure looks good. I had the ang chao mee suah in KL, Pudu before. Really delicious!

I also like the egg covered kway teow!

Have a good weekend!

Hayley said...

I had quite alot of red wine mee sua /chicken during confinement, now kinda miss it!

Lotus said...

I like the mee sua, I want!

Lotus said...

I am hungry

Azura Chan said...

Oho... missed Laksa. Hehe.

Imemily said...

the last dish looks yummy