Wednesday, July 24, 2024

My favourites

One of my favourite chicken rice was from this coffee shop in Green Road. Used to patronise the chicken rice stall in the past when my girl was in her early secondary school days. We usually had our early lunch before she was off for her afternoon session. 

Not long ago, both of us went to the coffee shop as we needed to wait for Jay to finish his curriculum in Friday. She finished her Form 6 class at 1145am, while Jay finished his activity at 1230pm. So we decided to have our lunch here.

Jan went for fried chicken rice while I settled with steamed chicken rice. RM7 each. We also bought 2 packs for the boys. 

I liked the chilli dipping. Really nice to take with steamed chicken. The fried chicken was good enough as the skin was well seasoned. 

After we were done with our lunch, we went back to our car, to hid away from the scorching afternoon heat. It has been super hot these past weeks. Really unbearable. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Dinner delivered

It was last month when I had our dinner delivered to our doorstep. My mil wasn't back then so most of the evening, either I cooked or ordered food delivery. 

I saw this Coffee Loong in BDC area which I don't remember trying in the past. Read its food review so I decided to give it a try. 

It took quite a while for the food to be delivered. Since it was pretty far and it was peak hour so it was understandable that the food arrived later than usual. 

I ordered 5 different type of rice dishes so everyone got to taste the different meat. The rice was quite a lot and so was the meat. At least they were pretty generous with the portion. 

Out orders were namru pork belly rice, fried salted fish fillet rice, butter pork rice, butter chicken rice and pork rib sauce rice. All (except butter chicken rice cost RM11.55) was arM13.64 each. My verdict?? The pork rib sauce rice was nice. The rice was cold but I reheat them in microwave oven. The kids finished up their meal so no comment from them. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Before it ends

Not far from where I stay, there is this Borneo Food Festival. It started end of last month and today is the last day. 

So before it ends, together with my mil and three kids, we dropped by yesterday evening. Checking out the stalls and buying our dinner home. 

Not as packed as previous weeks. And not all stalls were opened but at least we managed to get what we wanted. 

They have some grilled stalls, fried snacks stalls, Asian cuisine and drinks stands. 

This braised pork stew stall attracted me. I bought one tub of pork belly stew for over RM65!! Tasted alright, broth not that strong. 

My kids's favourite stall!! Potato chip sticks. Each have one stick and each with their preferred flavour. Super crunchy chips. 

My preferred snack was Taiwan sausage, and I tasted out this stall. RM10 for 3 sticks. No, I tasted one only, the other 2 went to my 2 eldest kids. We enjoyed it while browsing through the stalls. 

Mostly grill stalls so you will expect we come out with those smoky smell from the food fair. We spent about 30 minutes browsing through the stalls. We didn't wanted to enjoy the food there although few vacant tables. Much prefer to buy and bring home to enjoy in the comfort of our home, away from the smoke, smell and crowds. 

Some food that we bought includes the crispy oyster pancakes. RM20 and it was yummy and crispy. 

The kids opted for burgers  for dinner. One chose mayo as their sauce base while the other went for "hitam manis" (sweet sauce). 

The pork belly stew that I bought for sharing with my mil. We had it again this evening as both of us can't finish it all. 

My mil took fried lou shu fen (silver needle noodle) with the stew pork. RM5 for the fried noodle. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Breakfast with her

 My mil is back! She flew over last Thursday. 

Yesterday was the shop's rest day so I had breakfast with her in one of the newest coffee shops in MJC. You Hou Cafe, same block with Secret Recipe.

The place wasn't packed when we were there. Few stalls opened. Like laksa, kolo mee, lei cha, nasi campur, kuih stalls.  

Each of us ordered our own breakfast. My mil went for wantan noodle RM7. 

I wanted to taste the laksa so a small bowl RM7 for myself. 

Both was decent and average taste. Nothing to shout about. As long can fill up our tummies before we ran our errands was good enough. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Breakfast choice

It was my off day so together with my man and girl, we went to this food court for breakfast. The place wasn't packed as it was slightly after 8am. 

Most of the stalls were opened so there was some breakfast choice for anyone to choose from. 

My man opted for sang nyuk mee stall. He has this set of noodle and pork soup for RM11. The taste was alright and authentic enough, according to him. 

If I am to have it, I would not touch those livers but instead take those pork belly strips.

I saw this porridge stall on our last visit so I told myself I must give it a try. It has porridge and meehoon option but I went for the former.

My epinephelus fish porridge for RM15. Nice and tasty, good enough for my taste bud. 

Next round, I must try the epinephelus fish meehoon soup. 

The girl went to the fried stall, and she ordered this RM8 tomato crispy noodle. The red gravy kind of scary. She commented it wasn't tasty, the gravy was too sour. 

My man ordered 2 baskets of dim sum to share among us. RM7 per basket, we had siu mai and red bean piggy buns. 

After we were done with our breakfast, we walked across the road to the hypermarket and did our grocery shopping. Kind of missing that. We used to do it once a month. Now it is once in a blue moon!! Hardly cook at home lately so we don't really do grocery shopping and stocking up the pantry. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Heng Heng

We had an early Father's Day dinner with my family last Saturday. Venue was this Heng Heng Restaurant. The restaurant was directly across the road from Hong Ang restaurant, Kampung Kenyalang Park. 

My first visit to this restaurant, recommended by my brother as my parents liked coming here for its food. We, the siblings shared the cost as it was Father's Day. Each chipped in RM197 for 7 dishes for 2 tables. 

I didn't take many photos as everyone was pretty hungry by the time the first dish arrived. We started off with "Kay see mee" (stir fried noodle with egg gravy). It was flavourful and tasty. 

Next we had the Yang Zhou fried rice which was equally good. 

Ang sio tofu (braised soft beancurd) was pretty appetizing but got to watch out for the heat. The soft beancurd could burn your tongue!!

Yam basket was everyone's favourite. I can't remember the last time I had this mixed vegetable served in yam basket dish. The quail egg was an extra bonus to this enticing dish. 

Next was this super tasty sweet sauce pork chop. This dish sure blew me away with the tender pork ribs coated with sweet sticky sauce. 

Under recommendation from my mum, this lam kip chicken (stir fry chicken pieces with galangal strips). Yes, it was nice and addictive.  I took a lot of this dish. 

Another dish that received thumb ups was this crispy oyster pancake. Big, juicy oysters with crispy pancake sure had you keep coming for more!!

This cake from Gingerbread House was sponsored by my sis. What a delightful dessert after all the yummy dishes. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024


A new stall in Jia Hao Cafe that opened sometime this month. 

Porridge stall!! The new stall offers pork, prawns to fish porridge. Definitely a good, nice meal to have to warm up the tummies in the morning.  


The other day, I tasted its fish and prawns porridge, on the house. It was super good, super comforting. More of congee texture, with marinated fish slices and fresh prawns. 

Pork porridge

The other day, we tried out the pork porridge. RM7 per bowl. Tasty and savoury porridge, definitely a great meal to start off the day. 

And besides porridge, this stall also selling prawn mihun. Another variation is using noodle instead of mihun. This tasty, mild broth of seafood goes well with the handmade noodle, which I enjoyed. RM9 per bowl. 

Stall: LaiGee porridge