My family is Christian, and we celebrate Christmas by going to the church for Christmas Mass at 8.00am. Although present exchange is not a must in my family, we do buy presents for each other. Last year, I got a Estee Lauder perfume from my hubby. I bought him a nice Bonia wallet as his present. He loves to buy perfume for me. Every time he went traveling, he definitely get me a perfume bottle! Now my dressing table is full of them and I cant even finish one bottle….I guess he know that I love to keep perfume bottle, but once a while I would love some varieties? *Wink*
I hinted to my hubby few days ago that I want to get a new watch as my old watches either spoiled or no batteries! I told him it is high time to get a new one for myself. Guess what!!
We went shopping yesterday, and see what we bought for our self! A pair of Seiko watches! One for me and one for darling hubby. Isnt it the best Christmas present one could ask for? Thanks darling, you are the best! And little gal also got new clothing for the coming Christmas too! Now need to get new shoes for her!

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