Monday, December 10, 2018


One fine evening, we had lok-lok for dinner. Just the three of us. Jan and Jay has left for their long holiday.

Once a very popular night spot, Lok-lok in Ban Hock Road. I don't remember when the last time I came here for dinner or supper.

The weather was nice and cooling as we had rain that afternoon. We prefer to sit under the roof to avoid rain but luckily no rain when we dined there.

So many choices. Self-service where we choose the sticks we wanted from the trays.

After done with the choosing, we passed the sticks to the staff to cook. They will serve directly to your table.

Our dinner that night. The food was fresh but the best was its chilli sweet dipping.

We also had this spicy mee jawa to share around.

Overall our dinner was RM60+. Something different from our usual dinner. Don't mind having it once awhile.


suituapui said...

Usually not a fan of this thing but that chili dip looks gorgeous!!!

Sakuranko said...

Oh the food looks pretty nice

Nancy Chan said...

Nice to have lok lok once in a while. Usually we will have to cook the food ourselves and have it while it is still hot.

mun said...

It is fun to eat lok lok sometimes.

Lotus said...

I feel that for lok lok, the sauce and dipping must be nice.

The Yum List said...

They seem to have a lot of choices.

Merryn said...

I love lok lok. Melaka version is satay celup.

Diana Diane Teo said...

I have soft spot for lok lok. Mainly because I love fish balls, fish cakes so much. I didn't know Kuching has this kind of shop. Maybe can suggest to my family when I'm going back to Kuching tomorrow.