Thursday, December 13, 2018

All we did on Saturday

It was a cold and wet Saturday last week. A lazy day as I didn't cook at all that day. So all we did was relaxing, eating out and watching tv. 

But I felt slightly blue over the weekend as I was still recovering from my cough. 

In the morning, we drove all the way to the old part of Kuching for a nice breakfast that we haven't had for quite sometime.

Kim Joo for its tasty vinegar noodle and comforting mix pork soup.

The rain continued when we finished our breakfast. We didn't mind the rain as it wasn't that heavy and we could enjoyed a short walk under such nice weather.

In the afternoon, we went to Lee Coffee Shop in Green Road to buy our takeaway lunch. Hakka lui cha!!

Our RM5 lui cha with so much healthy goodness but horrible and bitter soup. I couldn't even take too much of the dark soup. For those who could tolerate high bitter level, this soup is definitely for you!

In the evening, we went to a friend's house for dinner. His baby's full moon dinner. Hakka tradition with traditional kuehs and dishes.

Tray of delicious dishes spread on the table.. well as home cooked dishes such as curry, kacangma and red- coloured eggs.

But first, we indulged in some mee suah. Loved the mee suah and the tasty chicken soup. My man would agreed with me as he took 3 bowls of it!

And we were also served with home-cooked sweet dessert; namely snow fungus soup and pumpkin with sago soup.

That evening was Kuching's annual Christmas Parade. Meant to join it this year but our plan was cancelled last minute due to our dinner invitation. Hope we really could make it and join in the parade next year.


suituapui said...

I love Kim Joo! Lei, thank you! Wahhhh!!! All the nice kuehs...I like!!!

lina said...

Wah, plenty of nice food!

PH said...

The lui cha ingredients look nice but the color of the soup is brownish and not green. Too bad it was too bitter.

Reanaclaire said...

Oh, I am surprised that the soup looks dark and tastes bitter... normally it is green in colour bec of the mint and with a very nice fragrant.

Lotus said...

Hope you get well soon

Nancy Chan said...

So nice to see all the food that I like. Our lui cha is not bitter and I love lui cha too. I am a mee sua fan and I love desserts too!

mun said...

Delicious food at dinner full moon!