Saturday, December 27, 2014

Relaxed Xmas and almost another year

How was your Christmas day? Can't believe that Christmas has come and gone, just like that. We did have a wonderful and relaxing Christmas this year.

Christmas morning was fabulous. We went to the church and enjoyed the repertoire although I had a difficult moment controlling the children' voices down. And the kids got gifts from the church too.

Lovely coin boxes. And each got different box!

Then we had a good rest at home. Everyone must be exhausted as we slept late on the eve and woke up pretty early for the church service.

Early on the Christmas morning, I were awaken by some noises in the room. Guess what? The kids greeted me with a Christmas greeting before they were off to collect and open their presents that we hid under the tree after they were off to bed! How happy they were with their presents!

Some of the presents

Play, play and play

What we did too on that day...

Read Christmas-related books

Children bibles are great and colourful to read on Christmas Day

Playful Jay with his remote control car

We had a good time catching up on some DVDs. The old movies such as Frozen. Kids would never be bored of it! We also watched the old Star Wars series from episode 1 to 5! Wow! I did enjoyed them very much.

This year flies so fast and many changes and events have happened to us. I have decided to stop making new year resolutions because I know I will never achieve them. *wink*  So much for the resolutions making.

However I would love for 2015 to be a wonderful year where everyone stays healthy and happy together. And wish hubby has a great and better year too. And my wish for myself? A more determined and strong person for my children. *wink*


Anonymous said...

Lovely Christmas. We didn't have much - just went to church...and had a family dinner on Christmas night. A very quiet affair.

Sharon D. said...

We had a quiet Christmas. Did not 'open house' this year. Instead, we went jalan-jalan :D

Happy 2015, Rose!

Princess Ribbon said...

Fun filled activities Christmas day wor.. Nice.. I like the birdhouse/treehouse (?) from the church..

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Mine simple, went church in the morning, then Orchard Road walk one round...

Lotus said...

Mine was simple too, went to two new shopping malls near my neighbourhood, nothing new, just another shopping mall, I prefer pasar malam

Huai Bin said...

What a heart-warming post Rose! :)

I bet the kids loved Christmas, decorating the trees and getting presents. It's something they'll remember as they get old, that's for sure.

I celebrate Christmas coz my parents did too (they're Christians but they also have a Christmas dinner) so that's why I want to pass it on.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!