Saturday, December 22, 2012

Life is slow

Wake up late this morning.  And get up from the bed slowly too.  I don't usually have the luxury in the pass to tug and lie on my bed for long but today is an exception. It is another beautiful Saturday.  I could have time to smell the morning air.  No more rushing.

Wow!  I did not even bother to check the time. I even take my sweet time preparing brunch for myself and hubby. 

I lazy around the house a little bit today.  Still light-headed because slept late last night.  But I can have my afternoon nap later.  No more hurry, since I have all the times in the world.  *wink*

Right now, I am thinking about my loved ones.  My kids.  Missing them.  But they will be coming home soon.  A week time to be exact.  Need to get ready the kids' room.  Whose know, my eldest may decide to sleep on her own when she is back. 

It has been a week now.  Since I've turned into domestical lady.  I've been staying at home, doing what I want to do.  Blogging.  Cooking.  Gardening.  Shopping.    And my sis has been generous to pass me a volume of Korean drama that I am currently catching up.  Geez.  I am enjoying my life. 


Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Full time housewife already?

Yes! You can have all the time in the world.

Lotus said...

Enjoy your time as a SAHM!