Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Last Christmas

I have a Bidayuh aunt. To be specific, this aunt is my dad's older sister. She was adopted by a Bidayuh couple when she was very small (pretty common practice back then). I have another aunt adopted by Malay as well.

Anyway, back to my Bidayuh aunt, I saw her many years ago when we visited her house in kampung with my parents, siblings and my family.

I was closer to her eldest daughter as she used to take care of me when I was a baby and visited us when we stayed in Kenyalang during my younger time. So, on Christmas day, we visited this cousin and family in Kampung Semeba, which was about 15 minutes drive from our place. 

Her Christmas lunch cum house warming party. My aunt was there as well. For her age (78yo), she was still healthy and in good shape. My cousin's husband happened to be in the same company as my hubby so they knew each other but has since retired.

Only close family members of my aunt were there. 2 cousins of mine as well as many nephews and nieces. Most nephews and nieces can speak Chinese well as they studied in Chinese schools. Of course my aunt and cousins didn't know much Chinese so we conversed in English and Malay.

We spent more than 2 hours there. A nice villa, mostly designed and done by my cousin's hubby. 

The male cousin made mojito to go around the table. I had a glass, while hubby went for beers at the patio.

All dishes cooked by my cousin. Pansuh, lemang, stewed lamb, nasi lemak as well as innard porridge and turkey.

Babi Pansuh (bamboo pork) 

Liver and intestine porridge

My plate

Turkey, waited to be carved

It was great to catch up with my relatives after all this while. Hope we meet again soon. 


Iwona said...

All dishes look yummy :) Have a great day :)

Nux V said...

great family bonding and nice dishes!

suituapui said...

I love pansoh! Oooo...turkey!!! No photos of the villa?

PH said...

Very homely dishes and even got turkey!

Diana Diane Teo said...

I had ayam pansuh before but this is the first time I saw Babi Pansuh. Wish I could try it.

By the way, do take care of yourself as Kuching now is red zone. Stay safe & healthy always.

mun said...

Wow! That is a huge turkey.

Reanaclaire said...

I am eyeing the turkey, so long since my last taste of turkey!

Lotus said...

What a nice time, bonding with your relatives over delicious food.

Nancy Chan said...

Nice to visit and catch up with one another. Pansuh dish is new to me. Turkey looks delicious.

Twilight Man said...

A nice family gathering. I was hoping to see the family photos and nice villa!

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