Am still getting used to this little toy. Hubby and I got them yesterday, his is black while mine is white so we do not mix up. We basically just sign up with the BB Fan Club under Maxis Plan, so every month I just need to pay around RM150.00 for my calls and the phone.
RM150 only? hmm...not bad :D
Yeay.. u n hubs ber berry berry :D
Wah...new toys.....enjoy berry-ing.
I like the white one as compared to the black, may be a lot of people are using black..
soon you will be busy berrying already,,,,,,
so nice got new phone.
Wah! Canggih :D Congrats :D
Wahh .. nice !
Wow, nice BB u have...I'm also new to BB. Mine was BB9000 (not new but 2nd hand). Lol...
Nice nice. :)
how much is the phone? my hubby thought to buy for me.
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