Friday, August 31, 2018

Special for me

One of the best Sarawak laksa is from Golden Arch Cafe. It has been a while since I had its laksa there. Reason being it is hard to find a decent parking and another is the food choice. Other than laksa, there isn't any special about this place and food. We seldom go there for breakfast.

However lady luck was with us one Saturday. We managed to find good parking and table for our breakfast. Jan and Jay had school that Saturday so there was only three of us. This was what we had for breakfast.

Hubby ordered this fried snack and lek tau suan from the Garden Cafe, which was behind the Golden Arch Cafe while waiting for our order.

Hubby shared this mixed pork soup and noodle with Jamie.

The soup looked good, right? I didn't tasted it because I had this special Sarawak laksa to deal with. RM6.50 for this special bowl with two big prawns. Packed with flavours but slightly oily so I didn't dare to finish the broth.

Personally I prefer the smaller and de-shelled prawns but since hubby ordered this special for me, I didn't mind at all.  Thanks for being thoughtful, hubby. 


suituapui said...

Golden Arch laksa, some like, some don;t. Some say it is too lemak. To me, everything you all had looks so good!

Nancy Chan said...

Fried snacks and Sarawak laksa for me please! Yums!

Reanaclaire said...

The two big prawns are indeed more expensive than the small deboned ones... yes, very thoughtful of your hubby.. giving you the best!

mun said...

I think I spot cucur udang in your photo 1. It is one of my fav!

lina said...

Rm6.50 for laksa sarawak with those big prawns? So cheap!

Lotus said...

I like the fried snacks

Lotus said...

You are blessed to have such a doting hubby

Ezvina said...

Yes, I find the laksa there can be too oily also, thats why seldom go there.

The Yum List said...

I'm rather fond of Sarawak Laksa.

PH said...

So nice, hubby so sayang give you big prawns hee..hee..

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Sarawak laksa for me too old, hehe...

Twilight Man said...

I must remember the name Golden Arch when I visit this town again.

Sharon D. said...

By golly, that laksa looks good with that gigantic prawn on top.

Merryn said...

I prefer de-shelled prawns too coz I am simply too lazy to peel them. Haha.

So sweet la your hubby to get this specially for you.