Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Big mouth

No, I don't have a big mouth. I am referring to the name of this coffee shop in Jalan Dogan.

One afternoon we went to this Big Mouth Food Centre for lunch before dropping my boy in his tuition centre.

We hardly come here for lunch. Somehow we never thought of this place. Maybe the location. Or maybe nothing enticing. It is just like any coffee shop in Kuching. However we used to love the chicken rice here but no longer so as we could get good and cheaper chicken rice somewhere else.

Not so long ago I was there with my children but not for the chicken rice.

I were craving for curry rice that day so I went for the normal curry chicken rice. Not that fiery but taste-wise, it was acceptable.


My boys as usual went for kolo mee. They wouldn't grow bored or tired of kolo mee. Jay had 1 1/2 bowl of this noodle and the balance was finished by Jamie. It must be good for the boys to like it so much.


As for my girl, she ordered fried mihun from the Malay stall. She commented the vermicelli was nice and chewy. I could see that it was well fried; not mushy or wet. I don't like that.


Everyone finished up their lunch. Not in one big mouthful, of course but we finished and cleaned up our plates (and bowls), leaving nothing behind. 


suituapui said...

Oooo...I miss that curry chicken rice! Kolo mee looks good too.

Twilight Man said...

My wife always loved fried mihun that is super dry until she could get hiccups! LOL

mun said...

The normal curry chicken rice to you is not normal here because we don't get it here! lolx! It sure looks tasty.

PH said...

I like meehoon to be fried until very dry. Don't like the wet ones.

IreneC said...

The curry chicken rice is different...i mean, we don't have that here in Peninsular Malaysia. I think it should be very tasty.

Nancy Chan said...

I like the look of the kolo mee!

Merryn said...

Jamie eats half a bowl. My Ayden eats the entire portion these days. So whenever we dined out, we'll need to order 4 meals for our family. The boys eat one portion each and they'll steal some from me as I only eat half portion. Haha.

Lotus said...

I don't like wet mihun too. I would like to have that Kolo Mee.

Blackswan said...

Hahaha! The name is so cute! xoxo

The Yum List said...

That's a great name for a shop.

Ezvina said...

Ya, last time that place used the be quite ‘hot’, now so senyap. Nothing much there anymore.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I will prefer kolo mee to bihun...

Sharon D. said...

Big Mouth is a nice name for a food