Sunday, March 9, 2008

Victim of crime of money

Read the title properly! Not victim of crime of passion! How I wish! *wink* A woman involved in snatch theft during the voting day on Saturday. How ironic is it. After casting her rightful vote, she was happily driving back home and was about to lock the car porch gate after getting out from the car! And suddenly everything happens in a flash light!

Sigh! Alright, not to keep you suspend anymore, I better let the cat out of the bag. Firstly, the victim mentioned was me! Yes, ME!! The crime was snatch theft! So 1 + 1 equal to 2! Now do you get it??

My handbag has been snatched right in front of my house in a broad day light yesterday around 130pm. I was about to lock the gate when suddenly I heard a footstep and when I look up, he was right in front of me. The next thing I know, he snatched my handbag. I put on a good fight (I am proud of myself, but now thinking of it, it is rather scary!!), holding on to my bag and screamed. Only when the handbag strap broke off and my sister-in-law right at my side, he got away in a motorbike (plate no Q**1476) with an ally waiting for him. #@*%@! Please excuse my language. In my 30+ years on earth, this is my first encounter with snatch theft, and I am been the victim here!! I hope this is the first and last experience.

It happened so fast. I cant see the snatcher’s face as he used full helmet, and wore brown jacket. His partner in crime only appeared in front of us when my handbag strap loose and neighbours started to come out from their houses. What can I do. Been a fighter, I put up with the scuffle, but still lost in the end. Not only lost my handbag, I also hurt myself, ended with bruises and scratches on my left foot, knee and right arm. It never came to my mind that at that time he may have knife or other weapon that could do me harm. Now that I got over the shock, it really scared the shit out of me! What happen if he did have a knife and use it on me??

I have made police report and cancel my credit cards, and ATM cards. Lost my IC, driving license, those plastic cards, cash, handphone, and digital camera (if you remember, I bought it just middle of January! Sob, sob, sob). I will be taking 1 day leave tomorrow to re-do my important document. For this post, it took me quite some times to decide whether I should pen it down here or not. In the end, I have decided to go ahead with the posting, with my objective in creating awareness of this snatch theft crime and urge all Malaysian especially women to be extra careful.

The world is not longer safe, even when you are within your house compound!! Now, that one of the reasons we bought our new house in the gated and guarded community area. For Kuching community, you would know that the so-called gated and guarded area is in MJC. Plus with auto gate and alarm, I wouldn’t believe that those things would happen in my new house!! Now I cant wait to move into the new house!! I found out from the police during my report that my current housing area (BDC) is a red area (prime location) for snatch thieves and other theft! I remember a neighbour lost his Kancil parked outside house after putting some groceries in the house! All within a minute. Not to mention another neighbour lost his motorbike in middle of the night, screaming around waking everybody up in their sleep! So for those staying in BDC and nearby neighbourhood, please be extra careful.

Just damn bad luck! Just when I got over with hubby’s loss (he lost his car early February), it appears that my good luck also running low. I told hubby that we should go to churches, temples and other religious houses to pray for our luck and blessing!! Double bad luck within a month span is just too much. Unbelievable, don’t you think so? Not too worry, I am not feeling sad, just very angry at all those $#@! assholes that only waiting to pound on those innocent and weak victims out there, yet they can get away with the crime. Don’t they have better things to do??? Making troubles for other people and creating a bad image to the country.

So for the new MP for Kuching (as well as other MPs), please address this issue seriously! There must be some preventive measure to stop this crime and bring those guilty to justice, and impose serious punishment to them. There have been increasing rate in snatch theft cases involving women victims, and in the past, if you remember, some of the victims even succumbed to their death after falling and hitting their heads on the road. Most cases are unsolved as no suspects have been arrested and put to justice. I was lucky that I only lost my valuables, not my precious life. Otherwise, it is just damn not worth it to die like that! Sigh!


KristyCK said...

Oh dear, I am sorry to hear about your bad luck. OMG, that was so scary. Yes, you are very lucky Rose, I read lots of that worthless, cowards, losers or whatever their names was, use knife and does harm to their victims.
Thank God you only lost your valuables. Sorry about your digicam. :-(
Take care kawan.

janice said...

oh god !!.. i m sorry to hear that..

you're rite.. it's not a safe place to stay anymore already ..

hv to be EXTRA EXTRA careful...

JenJen's Place said...

OMG!!! That is scary! The crime rate in Kuching is definitely getting worse! Right in front of the gate and not alone some more! Really daring! I think there is a syndicate going on in Kuching, car theft, break-in, etc. How come it seems that the authorities is not doing anything to stop this. I mean, it has been going on for ages. Surely, something can be done by now!!!

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

People are getting more bolder and more desperate all the time. It's the same here too. Things like these happen in broad daylight and in front of packed places. The thieves are getting braver by the minute.

Anonymous said...

OMG Rose! I'm shocked to hear this, and I'm glad you are okay. It is a hassel to file police reports and cancel credit cards, and it sucks to lose your camera. However, the most important thing is that you are physically ok. Please take care!

Rose world said...

Thank you my friends for your concern! I am fine although still cant believe it actually happen to me! Yes, I shall be extra careful in future and wouldnt fall victim to them again!!

Anonymous said...

wow, so scary, luckily u r alright...

btw, a tag for u at

Anonymous said...

Oh my..!! just glad you are not harm or hurt. You take care ..!