Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The pork leg rice

 It was one rare evening when hubby and I went to the old part of the town for food. We drove passed Padungan street and saw this corner shop that still open. 

Lucky star was on our side as we managed to find a vacant parking right next to it. So we hopped out and checked out this pork leg rice stall. Ah Kui Pork Leg Rice is the name of the stall. 

Our first time tasting the pork leg rice so we weren't sure how it was. But we made the right decision to have early dinner here. They were good!!

Very old school taste, authentic pork leg rice that you enjoyed during your childhood time. That how I felt. 

A platter of assorted meat and innards with braised egg. Accompanied by braised sauce and curry. It has been a while since I tasted a nice pork leg rice and this definitely is in my list.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


We have Kampua stall now!! Newly opened, it serves Kampua as well as sang nguk mee aka Sabah pork noodle. 

Option of white and black soy sauce kampua. Normal is RM5, special (with extra) is RM7. 

Sang nguk mee will be around RM7. The pork slice was fresh and tender.  Kampua was nice with strong pork lard. 

Those who loves Foochow Kampua, will definitely want to give this a try and be judge for your self. 

Monday, September 16, 2024


A new chicken rice stall, Roselicious Chicken rice that opened early this month in Jia Hao Cafe, MJC.

Open from 9am onwards (except Tuesday), it serves lovely, juicy steamed chicken and its signature rose chicken to customers. 

Good news for those who loves liver and gizzard, they serve those too as add on. 

May be be steamed or rose chicken, they tasted good and delicious. The old school chicken rice taste. 

With drizzle of oyster sauce on top of the chicken, it gives the extra flavour to it. 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

His day

It was my eldest son's birthday last Sunday. So we asked him what he wanted for dinner since it was his special day so it was his call and he requested for Japanese. 

Our first choice was Little Sushi at Pines Square. The last time we came here was few months ago when hubby and I brought Jan for her SPM celebratory meal.

Back to last Sunday, we arrived at the restaurant slightly after 5pm. Not that crowded, so we were able to find a table for 6 of us. 

Everyone ordered main dish each, so it took a while for everyone to be served. 

Soft shell crab temaki

Jan ordered soft shell crab temaki as her starter. She liked it very much. The little one requested for ebikko, he shared these with his brother. 

*Recycled photo*

The birthday boy had cha soba, which coincidentally that was what he had last year!! That boy, he stayed loyal to one dish!! Lol. 

*Recycled photo*

Jamie chosen this ebi fry jyu himself. As he grown older, he is more adventurous now in trying new food. Of course we still controlling his food intake due to his food allergy and eczema so we try to avoid or reduce the amount of allergen in his intake. As for his eczema, it is on and off affair. Maybe due to the weather, his eczema has not been improving much for these past 2 to 3 months.  

Ebi fry jyu

Yours truly opted for this bento. Always fond of salmon, so I went for the salmon teriyaki bento. 

Salmon teriyaki bento

Mil and Jan had unagu jyu each while my man had daba teriyaki jyu. 

And that was our Sunday dinner. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Today is my shop off day, so together with my man and mil, we went to Desa Wira for its wet market. After done with our shopping, we stopped by this Mewah Delight coffee shop for breakfast.

It was right opposite to the wet market, the shop is next to this coffee shop.

Our first time having breakfast here. The operator operated most of the stalls and drink.  Mil and I went for kolo mee special (RM8). 

Hubby went for the mixed pork soup and noodle set for RM10. 

Decent taste and cheaper price, nothing to shout about.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Back for more claypot

Yes, we were back for more claypot dish at this eatery few days ago. This time, hubby and I brought Jay and my mil for dinner here. 

Hubby and mil had claypot rice each. I didn't take photos of the claypot rice but you can check it out in my previous post.

Jay, who is a noodle lover went for the claypot mee. Warm, comforting broth, he liked the Yee mee. 

As for me, I decided to try its bak kut teh this round. And my verdict? Mild flavoured soup but fitted me well. I don't like strong bak kut teh. I quite enjoyed my claypot dinner. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Chung's claypot

We have wanted to try out this place but not till this evening. 

Chung's claypot, right across the road from Petronas in Batu Kawah New Township. It was a nice evening today so we decided to try a new eatery. Luckily we did!!

It claimed to be the best claypot rice in town, which we were in doubt at first. Somehow our first dining experience was good and the dish was nice. Best or not, it is individual preference. 

After looking through the menu, we settled for 3 claypot sets, which come with drink, a choice of Kopi O Peng or Teh O Peng. 

I went for salted fish pork rice which came sizzling right in front of me. Wow!! 

The salted fish pork was very tasty. I liked it!! RM15.00 for my set.

Mine came over pretty fast while the claypot rice ordered by hubby and daughter took sometime to arrive on our table. Jan chose the claypot chicken rice RM14 (above). 

Hubby opted for the claypot special rice which have the pork, chicken and Chinese sausage in it. RM16.60 for his set. 

Everyone commented the claypot rice rice was good. I agreed as I did took a bite. Well marinated and salty. We would definitely came back for more claypot. Not far from our place so whenever we are craving for a claypot dish, we will definitely think of this place.