Wednesday, July 20, 2016

His story before turning 3

It has been a while since I did his update so here it goes. 

Turning 3 in less than 2 months, Jamie looks very mature for his age.  Everyone thought he is more than 3.  Maybe of his thick and dark hair.

This smartpant is very much of a baby some day when he loves to bite his quilt.  As you can see, he has not grown out of habit of biting it!  And his reluctance to let me wash it! Eeeewww!

He must have his quilt, and two soft toys when ever he sleeps and drinks milk. He seldom takes afternoon naps now but sleeps early at night, around 8pm. If he does nap, it would be 2 hours in the afternoon.

Jamie has been trained on potty last year and he is now officially dry during the days and most of the night too. I saved a lot of his diapers.  I still let him wear diaper whenever we go out for convenience but most of the times, I would bring him to the toilet to let him does his small business. Big business is another story, as he prefers to poo standing than sitting on the toilet seat or potty. So, mummy needs to work harder and be patient in training him to poo the right way in the right place.

He is brushing his teeth nowadays as he would not want me to do so.  Correct or not, clean or not, I let him does it himself. But he can rinse his mouth with water pretty well.

As for his temper, he has his moment.  The stubborn moment where it is unbearable but it is a phase and as a parent, I have to teach him how to behave.  Not everything is his own way.  He cannot get what he wants all the time. 

As he is going to kindergarden next year, I am preparing him for it.  Well, he knows what school is as he follows me sending and picking his older siblings. Some day he is an eager beaver, bringing his bag along.  Follow what his older siblings do.

And to make him at ease around other children, I bringing him to Sunday school every Sunday.  Let him mingle and get used with children of his age. So far, it is good and he is not afraid of sitting and playing with other children.

But when it comes to writing, he still likes to doodle than proper writing.  His vocabulary is now 6 and more words per sentence. He could be very babbly and we are having hard time to keep him quiet at home. However he hardly talk to stranger or someone he is not familiar with.

His birthday is coming soon.  No plan to hold a big celebration for him.  Like previous years, it would be a simple and family celebration at home for him.  Wait till he is bigger and we will do a party for him.


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Good to let him mingle around with other kids...

Sharon D. said...

You're an amazing mom, Rose .. xx :)

Yee Ling said...

Yea...he don't look like a 3 years old.Nevertheless, his cuteness is overloaded on his face.

PH said...

He is a very cute boy!

lina said...

Big boy dy!

So cute also. :)

suituapui said...

3 already??? It seemed like yesterday when you asked me to his full moon celebration!!! Hah!!! My girl had a bantul busuk, went everywhere she went - just threw away not long ago, could not save it anymore - already in disintegrated. LOL!!! We did wash it regularly though. I brought my big boys for competitions before and yes, they all had theirs too. So black and dirty. Ewekkkk!!!!

Nancy Chan said...

Cute! I like him in sunglass! Ha ha!

mun said...

A good update on Jamie for you and also him to read next time. He looks like a boss on his big bike in the last photo!

Reanaclaire said...

Soon you can relax a bit... kids grow up very fast, good to know he can blend in well, he is used to seeing his siblings going to school so he also feels like them. :)

Blackswan said...

Aw, his first photo is so cute; reminds me of my younger days! I used to bite my pillow too. Hahaha! xoxo

Hayley said...

Yea, he does look mature for his age, a big handsome boy ;)

Boys sure has bad temper ho? My Aden too, and Toby also seems to follow his brother's 'trend', poor mummy >.<

Ezvina said...

Yes, he does look mature in a cute way. Time flies.

Lotus said...

Nice update of your boy, I enjoy reading it, I also wonder do boys normally have bad temper, my nephew also not very good temper, he seeks attention a lot and cries whenever adults are not within his vision

Lotus said...

Yes, he does look mature for his age