Sunday, April 12, 2015

Our Sunday story

In this country where we are incredibly blessed with humid weather, we could have so many outdoor activities to do such as camping, zoo visiting or a swim in waterfall.

However I must confess here that I am hardly an outdoor person. A true city girl through and through, as my hubby used to describe me.

So you would noticed that I mostly brought my kids to air-con places or some place with lots of shades and would not hang out too long under the sun. I leave the extreme outdoor activities to hubby's planning. 

Our breakfast in Chen Fa

On Easter Sunday, I brought my sis and 3 kids for a ride in the city centre. But before that we stopped by 101 Premier for breakfast.

Then a short walk in Taman Sahabat (Malaysia-China Friendship Park). Thought could let the kids feed the fishes but no one sold the feeds so we did not get to feed them.
1st time here for the little one

Walked on the stone path

Then as we were heading to our next destination, I received a call from my dad telling me that he was heading to my house! He brought my favourite uncle and aunt from Singapore to visit us! So we diverted back to welcome them. By the time, they left, it was almost Jamie's afternoon nap so we stayed at home, let him sleep while we watched some DVD.

In the evening, we drove down to the city. At least not so jam by then. It has been a while since I ventured to the centre of the city. I brought them to a place which is equally interesting. And cooler too.

A book sale! Pre-loved English books from USA, which was thrifty and what I looked for. Held in The Hills mall. Thank god there was not many people in the books sales. Almost dinner time, so I guess that was where they gone to. 

We can browse around without sweating and squeezing with big crowds. The kids get to exercise; walking and running around and making fun of themselves. I have been to this pre-loved books sale few times and bought most my and kids' books there.

This time is no exception since I missed out on its previous sale end of last year.

Yes. Filled up the book rack well but did not buy much since hard to do so with the boys running around.

Few days earlier, I kept the old novels in a storage box. Not enough to fit all the old novels in the box but at least can clear most of them out from the rack.

Before we left The Hills, we had dinner in Sugarbun and I had its eco-fish with rice.

Tempting and juicy fish. Love its crispy skin yet sweet and soft flesh that went well with the spicy sambal dipping.

After that, I sent my sis home and we headed home. My girl cannot wait to read the books that she chose while I managed to catch the Maybank Malaysia Open men's double match. ;)

Never seen my Jay was so keen on books but he squeezed this fun game book into my cart before I paid. Well, he was hooked to the book for some time. I am happy that he shown some interests in books. I do not mind splurging on books for my kids; better buy books than toys for them. 

And what did Jamie do? He started to do this act and I could not help but laugh at how enjoyed he is!

That was how we spent our Easter Sunday. A relaxing yet fun Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh!!! Easter Sunday! My post today is also on the same day and we went to a park too, two in fact! What a coincidence.

Linda said...

Looks like a great time, Rose, great photos. I love books sales, nice to hear this one wasn't crowded. :)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I prefer outdoor, only that wet weather, can't do anything...

wenn said...

good to take the kids out to explore outside world.

Princess Ribbon said...

I enjoy looking at those photos, the kids had a great time eating and kai-kai..Good that Jay is keen on books, csn keep him occupied, learnt from Jan maybe..

Lotus said...

I love to visit book sales too

Nancy Chan said...

I love reading. Good to start the children to read when they are young.
Looks like a fun day for you and family. Ha ha Jamie having fun with his toes.

Ezvina said...

Wow you pusing 1 Kuching on Easter Sunday. Mine as usual spent with my parents at kampung.

Sharon D. said...

What a fun-filled day! The fish looks yum. I like simple meals like these. And the little one is as cute as ever! ;)

Small Kucing said...

good idea keeping the books in the box. dust free and easy to store

Hayley said...

Always good to bring the kids to a walk outside, let them exercise a bit, hehe!

mun said...

What a nice way to spend Easter Sunday - bonding with the whole family at leisure. Jamie is so adorable!