Saturday, June 14, 2014


It was a hectic week this week. A chao. Some of you may noticed that I have been absent and quiet as I did not blog hopping and left comments in your blogs.

It started on Tuesday evening when I flew with my 2 older kids to Kuching. Supposed to get people to come in and do some rectification works in my Kuching house but our time was cut short. Meant to come back to Sibu this evening but something happened and we needed to be back on Wednesday evening.

Hubby had a self accident on early Wednesday morning. He ran into a tree around 3am after drinking session. Fortunately there was a police patrol car passed by that time and called ambulance. Hubby was unconscious that time. Car was in a serious condition as front part was a total wreck but luckily hubby survived the accident with just bruises and 2nd grade liver bleeding. It is fortunate that he wore seat belt. The steering wheel was bent from the impact and it hit hubby's liver and lower right rib. He was admitted and under observation in surgical ward for a day and after a day rest and scans, he was transferred to normal ward the next day. He was lucky to survive it and no need to go through any surgery. Thank god for everything.

We did not know his accident until 7am in the morning. Actually I received 3 missed calls around 330am in the morning but I did not heard my phone rang. Maybe I were too exhausted from cleaning and mopping my house the night before. And only when my BIL called me in the morning, did I knew hubby was hospitalised.

I took care of him at nights, bringing food when he was allowed to eat solid. I did not sleep well on 1st as either the nurses or doctors did their rounds or the noises or ceiling fans woke you up. Glad that we moved to own ward on 2nd night so hubby and I had a better rest. *wink* He has not yet discharged at the moment because he still have tender liver. Probably on Monday. Doctor will only discharge him when he is total pain-free.

As for his car, he almost finished servicing the loan. Actually sometime this year. Now just have to claim from insurance for the damage and it may takes many months to restore the car. Other than his car, he also lost his wallet and one handphone. Luckily I had blocked all his cards and handphone number. Just yesterday hubby received a notification that one of his card has been used in petrol station; luckily it has been blocked.

Hubby was advised not to go back to work as doctor gave him another week rest to recover. Told him to take it light and easy as liver takes time to heal itself. For now, I would be my family's driver till hubby is well and able to drive on his own. 

Thank god for the close shave. Really grateful that he was alright and only came out with bruise, bruised lung and liver. What a week it has been.


Princess Ribbon said...

Sorry to hear about hubby.. He will get well soon.. Same case with G last week with the high fever hospitalization and then the head stitches, felt my life in a mess.. Still recovering now..

mun said...

Sorry to hear about the accident. You rest well too having to take care of so many things. Speedy recovery.

Purple Queen Fairy said...

Sorry to hear about horrifying experience. Hope you are copping as well as you can. God bless,.

Ezvina said...

Speedy recovery. I'm curious about his wallet n hp, meaning someone stop at the accident scene and took those items?

Rose world said...

The wallet was lost while he was in EU. Funny thing was he was seen holding his IC aftermath but wallet no where to be found. Not so sure of the handphone.

suituapui said...

Oh dear!!! So bad the people, stealing when someone is so helpless. May God punish them.
Wishing your hubby a speedy recovery, back to normal soonest.

I saw the barkless tree by the road...

Reanaclaire said...

So scary, Rose! Yes, really must Thank God, no serious injuries on your hubby... the car is very big and tough, thank goodness... if it is other cars, the consequences might be much worse..
Speedy recovery to your hubby... and you take care too!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Sorry to hear about it... Speedy recovery to your hubby...

Hayley said...

Sorry to hear about that! Must be shocking to you~

Speedy recovery to your hubby!

Sharon D. said...

I am so glad he is alright, Rose. You must be really tired. May God bless you both - your hubby with a speedy recovery and you with the strength to care for him and your children at the same time.

Blackswan said...

OMG, so sorry to hear of the accident! Glad he's alright. I'm really surprised anyone would actually take the wallet of a victim.....

wenn said...

oh dear..luckily he's fine..Wish him speedy recovery.

ChrisAu said...

Thanks God he's ok. Speedy recovery to him. It must be tough on you. Actually , drinking late at night not a very good idea. Encourage him not to drink too much, if possible.

Small Kucing said...

so sorry to hear this. Thank God he is okay now.

Too bad about the car. That will be another lump of money gone.

Merryn said...

OMG This is so shocking. Thank goodness your hubby is ok now. So bad whoever stole his wallet!

You take care too Rowena. Hugs.

Azura Chan said...

Oh... sorry to hear about the bad news. I hope he's getting well soon and you take care of your health too.

trishie said...

Oh Rose. So sorry to hear about this accident. Hope your hubby recovers soon

Yee Ling said...

Sorry to hear that. Speedy recovery to your hubby. I am sure you are busy running up and down now but take good care too ya.

Lotus said...

Sorry Rose I was late, quite shocking to hear about this accident, hope your hubby will recover soon, meantime you also don't worry too much.