Thursday, April 25, 2013

My Thursday rants

It started off on a wrong note. Did not have good sleep last night because of hubby's snore and middle of the night I moved to my girl's room for a night. Only fell asleep very early in the morning. 

This morning after sent my kids to school, I washed my car and car porch and made some ngoh hiang for tonight dinner. Almost back to my normal mood but when bring out the laundry from the washing machine my solemn mood is back again. Hubby forgot to take out his ink pen from his white shirt pocket and it stained his shirt. Not only that I also got some ink stain on my hands and nails. Sigh!  The pen is still in good condition but the shirt I am not so sure.  It was tailored-made and hubby likes this shirt very much.  Now it was still soak in bleach, so finger cross. **Double sigh**

When I was washing my porch this morning I cleaned up so many dried leaves and dead bugs.  As it is warm season over here, the problem is not so serious.  But when we moved in and coincided with the monsoon season last year, almost every days, I have to clean after bugs in and outside the house.   Any type of bugs you can name, can be found in my house.  Sometimes one or few cicadas creeping into the house too. 

I guess my house's feng shui is pretty good.  In the front, we are facing a little river about 500 metres away, while at the back, we have the Matang hill standing majestically as the backdrop.  On a nice day, the hill is a nice sight to be seen. 

As we are surrounded with much greens, I guess having bugs as our visitors are pretty common here.  Mostly creeping from the bathroom window and the little window on the high wall on the family hall on 1st floor.  Glad that less bugs now, but now I have a different insect problem.  Ants!  Really annoying insect.  A little bit of crumb on the floor or table, in few minutes an army of little yellow ants will come.  Sigh!

Okay on a good note, I fried fish for lunch today.  Pomfret again.  We have black pomfrets almost twice a week, till my daugther complained about my menu.  Lol!  But eating fishes is better.  I am always a fish eater, till I earned my nickname of "Cat" when I was small.  *wink* And in my old company I got the nickname "Miss Fish" from my colleagues.

Fishes now are pretty expensive now.  Thanks to my mum I always have some supplies of fresh fishes from the markets.  Last week I have 3 black pomfrets from her. 

I usually just fry my black pomfret after rub some peppers and salts over the fish, but today I add a bit of twist to my fish. I got a big sized pomfret from my mum and I have been thinking of making sweet sour fish.  But last minute I decided to make cameralised onion instead.  Because easy to make and using less ingredients.  Some other day, I will make my sweet sour fish.   


1 medium black pomfret
Salt for rubbing on the pomfret
3 slices of ginger, julienned
1 big onion, sliced
1 tbsp black soy sauce
1 tbsp sesame oil
1/2 tbsp sugar
Oil for frying


1. Deep fry the pomfret in a pan.  Drain and put aside.
2. Pour the oil away and leave about 2 tbsp oil in the pan.  Add in ginger, onion and 1 tbsp sesame oil into the pan.  Stir and fry for few minute till onion turned brown.
3.  Off the heat.  Add in sugar, and black soy sauce and stir well till the onion is cameralised.
4. Pour the cameralised onion onto the fried pomfret and serve!


mun said...

Not getting a good sleep is enough to make just anyone to be not in a good mood but even with a solemn mood, you managed to get a lot of work done around the house. I prefer to eat fish than chicken meat.

Hayley said...

It's really frust being awakened/disturbed by our partner's snores right?

Hope you'll get a good sleep tonight!

wenn said...

I like fried pomfret..

MeRy said...

The dish looks yummy.

Lotus said...

Fish is healthy.