Back in January, I told you that I had some dizziness symptom. It all started early January and I dismissed it as hectic schedule and lack of rest that time. I only felt dizzy when I lied down in bed and when I got up. Other times I were doing fine.
It gone after few days and before we drove back to Sibu for CNY I developed the same symptom again. That time, I tested my blood pressure and it read 99/75. Ideal blood pressure according to this chart.

But I boosted up on my sugar intake and after a while it gone. So whenever I feel dizzy, I just grab a pack of Ribena (which is very sweet to me) or some sweets and I feel better after that. And when I had my last menstrual end of January, it came back and getting worse but after 2 or 3 days it gone. Hmm, change of hormone is the culprit??
Talking about hormonal changes, I blogged about my dad having a growth near his lymph node more than a year ago. He was under oral medication to maintain his hormonal balances. Since then, he losses a lot of weight and never able to gain weight. Just recently he got the symptom again. He has stopped taking the medication few months ago at advice of doctor to see how the body react but the dizziness came back. So after underwent a blood test, it was confirmed that he has hormonal imbalance. The node either over or under produce, cause him to feel dizzy from time to time. So he is back to his oral medication again. So men, please do not think that you don't have any hormone imbalances. It is pretty common; just that men usually do not discuss it.
And only recently I discovered that my mum, my aunt (mum's sister) and maternal grandma have the same health problem. So it runs in the family. All are skinny, small sized and weight around or less than 50kg. At least I have little to worry about.
Hey Rose,,if your dizziness persists,may be you can try this,nothing spectacular..hear ye hear ye,, still drink tumbler full of water, as soon as you wake up,do it consistently,you will see the result,,,,,just my experience,
Eugene, is it??? Probably i didnt have enough fluid. Bcos I dont dare to drink too much at night before sleep. Ok, shall try it out. Thanks, ya!
Hope things will be alright soon...
Take care there!
Take care my dear.
Moderation's the key... Too much no good, too little also no good... Never overdo it!
sorry to hear about your problems Rose. hope you'll be feeling fine soon. Greetings from Penang.
Dizziness will result in vomitting. I experienced this myself. Don't let your stomach empty. Rest more and do exercise regulary.
Get well soon.
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