My BIL slept around 5am this morning, and when he woke up for a toilet break around 7am, he discovered the break-in. His bedroom is downstair. Few of our window panes and grill were forced opened. Shoe prints were visible on our sofa! Now I have phobia sitting in that sofa! Luckily the thief did not take my BIL’s computer which is in the living room.

It is scary when think of the incident and even more intimidating to think of someone in the house. Now we have to change all the locks and take necessary precaution.
p/s: Yes, I don't know what happen, but I get some of my posting buttons back. Can add pictures and links now! Pray hard it stays like this....
Oh my goodness Rose,
Thank goodness you guys are okay. I think the thief is a small (one person) kinda thief who is not aggressive.
It is scary if we get the aggressive ones who will wake you up from your sleep and who will tie you up. This is madness!!. How could that thief do this?
Again you are double, triple lucky not to be harmed and only a few stuff missing. Gee...i really feel sorry for you Rose.
Please report this matter to the police as soon as possible. At least they will keep watch at your neighbourhood even though they might fail to catch the culprit.
Take care yeah? It makes me nervous. My house is just a single storey house. Anything can happen to us if this happen.
so scary, but luckily nothing bad happens. Do change ur lock n repair the window n all.
Row, perhaps shall consider put thief alarm or CCTV... take care... faster make police report... so that they will go ronda from times to times...
Maybe the thief rectified ur PC so dat you can post its footprint? LOL. ok jokes aside, thank god u and family are alrite rose!!! pls do change to a better lock ASAP n do consider having a CCTV in ur house! i have them too in my house!
Whoa, now that must have been quite a scare! Thank god nothing worse happened.
OMG!! Luckily everyone is OK. Yes..better have better security features for your home. We use heavy duty locks, with the alarm and CCTV installed too.
That's scary! You should be more careful next time and install security system. Good thing no one was hurt.
Take care.
Wahh . lucky you didn't discover or see the thief .... else it's going to freak you out
Glad to hear no one was harmed. Like someone said earlier, thisis probably a small time thief. And thanks for dropping by my blog.
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