Friday, May 17, 2024

Mother's Day dinner

We didn't have anything special for Mother's Day celebration last Sunday. I still have to open my shop and everything was usual. 

But for Mother's Day dinner, I didn't need to cook and instead we went to Go Fun Kee for bak kut teh dinner. 

My family quite enjoy bak kut teh so it was a delightful dinner for everyone. We had both dry and soupy version that evening. 

The man requested extra bowl of big intestine and beancurd skin to enjoy along with the back out teh. 

Our dinner was slightly over RM150 plus drinks which was reasonable. The place was packed when we dined there. Luckily we were able to find a table for ourselves as we didn't make any reservation. 


Angie's Recipes said...

A very delicious meal!

Suituapui said...

Haven't been to the branch here for years. Went to Klang BKT the other day. It was horrible. Never again! Belated Happy Mother's Day Wishes!

Reanaclaire said...

I like BKT too, the dry version also I will order each time I go. Normally I add on pig stomach in the BKT too.. hahaha.. simply cannot resist!

mun said...

Bkt is one of my spouse's weekly meals. Yummy! Your bkt looks delicious too! Happy belated mother's day to you! 💐🌸

Lotus said...

Happy belated mother's day to you Rose. I still have not tried dry bkt a single time yet.