Sunday, November 19, 2017

How it goes

Exam is done and dusted. Kids are enjoying the rest of the remaining school days before the year end holiday begins.

Kids bring and play games (like Snake&Ladder, chess, aeroplane board games) in classes, join some friendly competition and play monkeys around teachers.

For some reasons, I have made some adjustments when it comes to my kids' enrichment classes and tuition schedule.

Last month, Jay had his last piano lesson. He has learned for over 2 years but somehow he does not show much interest in learning so after talking to his piano teacher, we decided to stop his lesson. I bet he was very relieved not to play on the piano anymore. Theoritically, he can master the notes but he does not show enthuasiasm in practising on the piano. Hopefully he will pick up again some day since there is a piano at home and the sister can encourage him to play anytime.

Last month, Jan also joined in a pra-UPSR BM tuition on Tuesday evening. She is average in her BM; scoring 60 and 72 marks for both papers. I wanted her to expand her knowledge and learn more from tuition in preparation for her next year's UPSR exam.

As expected, Jay did not do that well in Chinese and BM subject. Quite worrying as he could not catch up with both languages well.  I found him a home-based tuition teacher who can do a BM 1-to-1 session with him. He just started this month. As for Chinese, I need to speak to his current Chinese tutor on improvement or maybe find him a 1-to-1 tutor that willing to help him.

Their arts class is going to end this month as to give way to their school activities and tuition next year.  We will see how things go in 2018.

Ok, all said, I couldn't wait for our family holiday now!! ^^ I bet everyone feels the same. Time to enjoy the year end season.


suituapui said...

Students usually don't do well in Chinese right up to SPM/Form 5 level. In my school last time, strings of A's for all subjects, lucky to have 1 or 2 for Chinese.

mun said...

Both Jan and Jay must be looking forward to the family vacation! Enjoy!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

The kids must be happy, school holiday coming...

Blackswan said...

Time to relax when school's over. Take a good break, dear! xoxo

Small Kucing said...

Yes, me looking forward to school holiday too

PH said...

I'm glad that you took into account Jay's feelings towards piano class and allowed him to stop. Your family holiday is definitely something to look forwards too!

Reanaclaire said...

My three kids also took up piano when young but all gave up after a year or two.. I thought they would be interested in music like me.. hahahaa..

The Yum List said...

I think you've provided a solid base for the past two years. It gives him options later on now that he has the foundations to retake it if he finds the passion.

Anonymous said...

Kids loves to enjoy their holidays! They will be waiting for it. We should not stress them more by joining them in more classes. Need to let them enjoy their time:)

Sharon D. said...

Enjoy your holiday, Rose. May you bring home many fond memories ^.^

Lotus said...

Kudos to the mummy for doing analysis and adjustment for the kids.

Sometimes we do not know what the kids are interested in, ask them they also don't want to say or don't know what to say, so at times, we have to go bit by bit and assess along the way.

Enjoy your holiday Rose.

Merryn said...

You are such a dedicated mom, being able to handle 3 children and still take notes and action into their studies. I agree on letting Jay stop his piano lessons for the time being. Maybe he has interest in other instruments that he still doesn't realise now.

Enjoy your well-deserved holiday, Rose.