Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Imaginary friend

Do you have an imaginary friend when you were young? I do. Maybe I should said “I did”. I did have an imaginary friend when I was little. When I was down, angry or feeling like having an own space, I would resorted to talking to myself or rather I should said, to my imaginary friend. There is no specific feature of my imaginary friend, just a knowledge of a “presence” by my side. Felt like a perfect friend when I feel like having a friend to.

Maybe I am weird, but I do believe that most people have that moment of creating someone that you want that person to be. An imaginary friend is therefore created when you felt like that. Someone that can share your secret or problem. Oh boy, hope I didn’t scare you off. I do know that sometimes, things can get cranky when people believing so much in an imaginary friend that they lose their balance and status of mind.

Enough nuisance from me for the time being. Time to go to bed. Good night everyone.


cinnamon_apple said...

Hi Rose,

I don't remember if I had an imaginary friend, but I did talk outloud to no one before. Sometimes when I get frustrated or sad (AND I want to be left alone), I just kind of talk aloud. I guess it sounds weird, but it does help relieve some of that stress. Haha.


janice said...

talk to the mirror consider o not ??

Anonymous said...

not really sure, but i did talked to myself if i really sad or angry..just want to release my stress...

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

You know what Rose? I still do have imaginary friends even today ... hahaha ... half the time they keep me company on my long and boring drives for my appointments ... hehehe ... yeah, I should see a doctor one day :D

pearly said...

dear ROse :
Yes I do have one imaginary friend :)
cos I am older then my sister wendy for 10 years and Janice for 15 ,when I'm young I have no friend mum don't let me go out to play with other kids I always on my own so I have a friend I make up to play teddy with me or whatever you think off

even today .... if I am sad I will start to talk to myself too .
you are not wire .... at all .:P

Dav DiDi said...

Errrmmm ... I usually talk to my dog when I'm a kid .. does he consider as imaginary friend? hehehe...

JenJen's Place said...

wahh u scare me for awhile when u say u imaginary fren. Lucky u corrected urself n say HAD imaginary fren!

My imaginary friend last time was my dog..does tat count? I remember when I feel sad, I will sit & talk with her in the backyard. I think my parents tot I am sot...:P

Constance Chan said...

i had an imaginary friend when i was not more than 7 or 8. i had Lee Majors, known as the Six Million Dollar Man. he went with me everywhere i went. if my parents were to drive the family out, i'd made sure he board the car first before me! i'd even do a slow motion run with him... i was a quaint and peculiar little kid.