Tuesday, November 16, 2021


This was what my man brought home 2 weeks ago from Sri Aman. Yummy surprise!

Not that there is any Mita bakery in Sri Aman, but these 2 famous and tasty butter cakes were bought from Kuching by a friend who visited him there.

2 loaves of delicious butter cake!! So generous of his friend, thank you so much!

Once unwrapped, we could smell the fragrant butter cake in the air. Oh wow!! I did miss a good old butter cake that instant!

We immediately cut and had few slices of the cake. Everyone got to enjoy some butter cake late in the afternoon.

Can you see how lovely, dense the cake is?? So buttery, fragrant, addictive and go well with a cup of tea. 

The list of Mita cake house outlets in Kuching. 


PH said...

How lovely! I saw this butter cake of STP's post earlier today. LOL!

suituapui said...

Oh gosh!!! The cakes went all the way to Sri Aman and all the way back to Kuching again! LOL!!!

I saw you sharing the photos on Facebook and a day or two later, I received one myself! What a coincidence! And what a coincidence - both of us blogged about it on the same day!!! LOL!!!

Yes, I would say it is very nice - everybody in the house loves it!!!

mun said...

Must be a very delicious butter cake! Yummy! 😋😋😋

Angie's Recipes said...

Very tender and smooth! Cute package too.

Nux V said...

this must be a famous brand....the cake looks moist and fresh.

Twilight Man said...

This yummy butter cake goes well with my hot coffee.

Reanaclaire said...

Wow, I love butter cakes... now I know this brand is good to buy!

Lotus said...

Cute packaging, huat huat fa chai cat. The butter cake looks fresh and yummy. Good as a tea time snack and good that there is enough for the whole family to enjoy.

The Yum List said...

Oh that cake looks so light and fluffy.

Jennifer Davison said...

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