Thursday, March 25, 2021

People's noodle

I bought this big pack of dry noodle from Boulevard Supermarket last month. The 18 individual packed noodle, named Mi-Rakyat. I forgot the price. 

People's noodle as translated into English. I took out 3 packs of the noodle last Sunday to try. 

Basically, cook the noodle first. Add a bit of salt in the boiled water and then toss the noodle. Drain the water when the noodle has soften and cooked. I also add a bit of cooking oil to the noodle and mix well so it would not become a clump and stick together. 

Prepare the ingredients such as garlic and shallots. Usually I will add some greens such as shredded cabbage, chopped kailan. Here, I used cabbage. 

Heat up the wok with cooking oil. Add in minced garlic and sliced shallots. Once fragrant, add in dried prawns. Saute for few seconds and then toss in the cabbage. Squte for a minute before adding the noodle. 

Season with salt, pepper and light soy sauce. Stir well to combine ingredients. Dish out and garnish with spring onion and frued shallot.

I do not add egg in my noodle as one of my boys is allegic to it. So, I fried my egg seperately. 

I quite like the Mi-Rakyat. Fine and nice to be used in frying. I will definitely buy it again. 


suituapui said...

It sure looks good. I've seen this brand in the shops but I never bought to try - somehow it gave me the impression that is is very cheap, not so nice.

Nancy Chan said...

Nice and simple noodle recipe. I don't know whether we have this noodle here, will look out for it the next time I go buy my grocery.

Nux V said...

never heard of this brand before. Usually we have Vits brand for plain brick noodles.

mun said...

So weird that they packed the noodles individually when there are no seasoning sachets. Look like instant noodles but how does the taste compare to other instant noodles such as Maggi and Cintan? Your dry noodle dish looks tasty! I surely will like it.

Reanaclaire said...

Oh, I don't have this type in Ipoh but I saw daddy's noodles being sold in Jaya Grocer... Must try them one day since our friend in Sibu always seem to be cooking that... LOL...

Iwona said...

So yummy noodle :)

Lotus said...

Your noodles look good, with fried shallots, luncheon meat and egg sure taste nice!

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