Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Osmanthus egg

I know, it looked messy. Please pardon me as it was my first time making an osmanthus egg. But trust me, the presentation may not be perfect, but once you taste it, you will like it. 

Osmanthus egg usually served in Chinese restaurant. In the past, they added shark's fin to it but now they don't.  As for my osmanthus egg, I added crabmeat since I still have some left in the fridge. 

A lot of slicing and julienning of the ingredients but it was satisfying when I made it for the first time on the 7th day of Chinese New Year. Don't ask me why, it was an impulse. Or maybe I was craving or thinking of clearing some stuff in the freezer and fridge. Lol. 

1/2 big onion, sliced thinly
1/2 carrot, julienned
1 wood ear fungus, soaked to soften and be bigger, then sliced thinly
2 stalks spring onion, sliced
5 tbsp crabmeat
Salt and pepper to taste
2 eggs
Cooking oil


For crabmeats - marinate for a while by adding about 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp Shao xing wing, 1 tsp light soy sauce to get rid of the fishiness smell. 

For eggs - break the eggs in a bowl. Add 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp Shao xing wine, 1 tsp light sauce, salt and pepper. Whisk the egg. 

1. Prepare all the ingredients before start cooking. 

2. In a pan, heat up about 3 tbsp cooking oil.

3. Add in onion and saute for few seconds before add in the crab meats, carrot and wood ear fungus. Saute for about 15 seconds. 

4. Add in the egg mixtures and spring onion. Let the egg set for about 10 seconds before whisk the egg around and evenly with an egg whisk in the pan. (i use egg whisk instead of spatula to have more consistent and balance texture. 

5. Add salt and pepper to taste. Dish out and serve warm. 

Remark: place the osmanthus egg in a rice bowl. Press with fork to compact the egg in the bowl. Place a plate on top of the bowl before turn the bowl over to have that round osmanthus egg display. 


suituapui said...

At one time, this was called the dry sharks' fins. Osmanthus sounds like the name of a dinosaur! LOL!!!

Nux V said...

i didn't know that this dish is known as osmanthus egg! nice name...I usually see this dish in mixed rice stall. At home, we use substitute the shark fins with glass noodles.

Iwona said...

Sounds yummy :)

Nancy Chan said...

I love this dish, long time haven't eaten this. I hope to try out your recipe one of these days.

Ezvina said...

I never try this before, my children don't like too much veggie with eggs.

Reanaclaire said...

So this is called Osmanthus! I have eaten this dish before in restaurants, normally during the first dish in weddings.. hahaha.. I also must try this one day!

Lotus said...

Not sure if I have eaten this before but I am interested to try as I love eggs.

PH said...

It looks very nice to me. I have not seen this dish before. I am sure it is delicioius!

mun said...

I have eaten this in restaurants before. Yours look very tasty!

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