Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Going back

The boys have finally gone back to school this week after a long time of staying and learning at home. Both were excited and thrilled to go back. Guess they missed their school (and outside world) after cooping at home for months. 

So it was back to old routine. They go to bed before 930pm and I woke up around 610am, prepare breakfast, get the boys ready and drop then off before 730am. 

Yesterday, hubby and I dropped the boys off in school. No cars allowed in the compound, so we just dropped them at the drop-off point and drove off after seeing both walked into the school compound. 

Then hubby and I went to McD's drive thru to order our breakfast. We ordered 1 set of Sausage Egg Muffin (RM10.28) for Jan while hubby and I went for the 1+1 Mix and Match of Sausage Egg Muffin with hot tea (RM12.26 for both).

I don't mind this type of breakfast. Not kolo mee most of the time. Lol. Of course, cannot have this whenever I want, as it costs more than having breakfast in coffee shop. 


mun said...

I don't think price is an issue for u. Just eat n enjoy. Carpe diem. Did u give your two sons extra masks to change in schools? I can't imagine how Jamie can tahan wearing masks whole day in school.

suituapui said...

Aiyor!!! So many nice places to eat in Kuching - I wouldn't want to go to McD!

Reanaclaire said...

These few days, the cases are lower, hope it stays that way... Yes, I am sure the kids are eager to go back to school after this long "lockdown" at home.. lol..

Ezvina said...

I didn't send my son on 1st day of school. I am the one that scared, not my son :)

Nux V said...

good to be back at school to meet their friends/classmates. Hopefully the cases will continue to drop and no disruption to the school again.

Nancy Chan said...

They must have missed school and their school friends. Hope everyone remembers to wear their mask all the time to stay safe. I have only eaten McD's breakfast once.

Lotus said...

You are right, fastfood breakfast are definitely more expensive, usually I will order Sausage Muffin (without egg).

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