Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Next morning

The next morning, we went to the hawker centre for breakfast.

8 something in the morning. Luckily we were able to find a parking right in front of the centre. 

I came for the fried roti telur, a local's favourite. Crispy and delicious big piece of roti telur.  A must-have when visiting this small town. 

We also ordered a plate of roti kosong for Jamie to try. Rounder piece compared to a squarer roti telur. 

Sweet sambal and slightly spicy curry dippings to go with the roti. RM11 for 2 plates of roti telur and 1 roti kosong. 

Usually we came for roti telur everytime we were back to Kapit but this round, the boys also get to taste the kampua from one of the stalls. Rm3.50 for this kampua. 

Hubby had this fried noodle for RM4. Look like Foochow version of fried noodle with slices of liver and meats. 


mun said...

I want to eat the deep fried roti telur! I wonder why no one sells it here.

Iwona said...

Fried roti telur looks so delicious :)

suituapui said...

Nobody! I like!!! I avoid all crowded places. Not worth it, never mind how nice the food is. Oh? Kampua 50 sen more than Sibu?

Reanaclaire said...

The roti telur looks so different from Ipoh here and it looks good too!

Nancy Chan said...

I like the fried roti telur. We don't have this version here in Ipoh. The noodles look good too.

Lotus said...

Fried roti telur looks good! I want to try!

Jennifer Davison said...

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