Sunday, December 30, 2018

The eve morning

We dropped this coffee shop, Sin Chong Choon in Green Heights on Christmas Eve morning.

I know, it has been a long time we came here because one, the parking is a pain. And secondly, the food quality drop. Thirdly, the food and drink here aren't that cheap.

But that morning, we planned to go to Cold Storage in Green Heights Mall for its closing down sale. Yes, we heard that Cold Storage is closing down and we wanted to see if anything worth buying.

So for breakfast, I had Sarawak lakes (RM6.50). Usually I have its laksa whenever I come here. So no exception that morning and it has been a while since I had a good bowl of Sarawak laksa.

Being a Monday, many shops closed so another reason we dropped here. But unfortunately few stalls didn't open that day like the dim sum, kolo mee. So the kids and dad went for the kampua stall for its Foochow dishes. The old lady who use to mend the stall has retired and passed down to her granddaughter. 

The granddaughter sure took her time to prepare our food and in the end, we didn't have kampua as the lady forgot about it.

Jay had kway teow while Jan went for bee hoon. Jamie shared bee hoon with Jan as his kampua was left out. 

Hubby had this mixed pork soup with his Sarawak laksa.

Verdict - the liver was overcooked in the soup. Jay and Jan commented their noodle was tasteless. They hardly finished their breakfast. And we had to remind the lady and her staff few times on our order and it took too long.

After a disappointing breakfast, we walked over to Cold Storage. We didn't buy much, just some bacons, pork sausage and spices.


Ezvina said...

Cold storage closing down? Wahh long time I didnt go there. Such a pity, that was a good small size mall, but sad nothing worth visiting.

Reanaclaire said...

Oh oh, that is disappointing.. hope they will improve on their cooking and service. :)

suituapui said...

It's New Year's Eve. Happy New Year 2019 to you and all your loved ones. Cheers!

mun said...

Hmmmmm, what a pity for the lady who loses customers because she couldn't quite handle it.

PH said...

Bacon and pork sausages are worth buying.

Blackswan said...

I know Penang laksa but not Sarawak. What’s the difference, dear? xoxo

Lotus said...

Happy New Year 2019 to you and your family Rose.

A pity that the livers were overcooked.

Cold Storage in SG are always crowded with customers.