Tuesday, December 4, 2018

In his good hands

After Gunung Gading National Park, Lundu, we drove to Sematan. Less than an hour drive to Sematan town and we reached this Medan Niaga on the left. 

Hubby has been to this food stall few times with friends. He highly recommended this stall for its tasty and fresh seafood.

The stall operator was a friendly man. He remembered my hubby well. We left our lunch in his good hands.

The operator served us his special chilli padi dipping. Super spicy; good for those who can endure heat.

We were served with this stir-fried Kailan with big prawns. 

Then came this big plate of fresh big prawns. I like my prawns this way; just steam them. 

Under his recommendation, we had the peppery kampung chicken soup. Very warm but too much pepper to my liking.

Everyone gave this deep-fried  parrot fish a big thumb up. Very good, sweet and delicious. And I got to learn some tips from the stall operator on how to cook it too. ^^

Lastly we were served a small bowl of stinky beans (petai). My second time tasting petai. I enjoyed them with the chilli padi dipping.

Overall our lunch was RM100 plus drinks. With full tummies, we headed back to Kuching.


suituapui said...

Kampung chicken is good for health but I'm not a fan of it. That cili padi dip looks so good!

Twilight Man said...

I have only eaten parrot fish once and liked it. I forgot about it until you posted it.
It is not a common fish here.

mun said...

Nice food! I like the petai!

PH said...

I would enjoy the food too!

Nancy Chan said...

Yummy meal! I must try eating petai like you did with chili dipping.

The Yum List said...

I'm not sure that I could handle that spice.

Reanaclaire said...

I like the dishes you have ordered... all suits me real fine!!

Lotus said...

The fish does look like parrot, no wonder it is called parrot fish, I have not tried parrot fish before

Imemily said...

I like petai cooks with shrimp
the steamed prawn must be fresh enough to cook like this

Blackswan said...

I’m not familiar with parrot fish. Interesting name! xoxo