Saturday, December 31, 2016

Reminiscing 2016

This is the last post for 2016.

So much has happened this year. The good, the bad and ugly. Bittersweet year but we survive and thank God for his guidance.

Schools reopened; my eldest in Primary 4 while the 2nd child started his primary school.

CNY was a great and wonderful for us; a time of family and friends come together.

Hubby has his relocation to a Sri Aman and would not know when he would be able to be transferred back home.

My princess is turning 10 and we had a simple lunch celebration for her. An eventful month for Jan and Jay as they had their first repertoire, enrolled in new tuition centre, and entered a colouring competition.

We spent a short family holiday in Sri Aman during the school holiday.

We caught up with our friends over a lunch, my almost 5-years old freezer had a problem and I went for a follow-up check-up and everything was fine.

My beloved uncle passed on and was in a better place. And check out on how we celebrated our first Sarawak Independence Day

A birthday month for me and Jay but it was also a sickness month. Everyone in family was not well and hit by viruses.

We had a simple Chinese dinner with my mil, sil and bil to celebrate our birthday.

The youngest turned 3 in September. No big celebration. And my sil safely delivered a healthy baby girl.

Passing of a relative and my little niece admitted in hospital for lung infection.

A very busy month. Exam, not 100% well. Kids did well in their final exam. And my blog is officially 9 years old.

A quiet month with premature empty nest syndrome for me!! 2 older kids were off on a 3-weeks long holiday and I had that loneliness feeling. Thankfully I have one young kid to hold on to and accompany me through the quiet weeks. And not much Christmas celebration this year. What we did on Christmas Day? Attended morning mass, had afternoon siesta and a wedding reception to attend to in the evening.

That wrapped up my 2016 calendar.

Wishing everyone "Happy New Year" and hope everyone has a wonderful, happy and blessed year ahead. See you all in 2017!


Nancy Chan said...

Happy & Blessed New Year to you and family!

suituapui said...

Wahhhhh!!! So systematic, very organised. Mine is in tomorrow's post, so luan chi pha chao!!! LOL!!!

Happy 2017 to you and all your loved ones, cheers!!!

PH said...

Quite an eventful 2016 for you, I see. Here's wishing a very Happy New Year 2017!

Imemily said...

wow you remember vividly what happened every month!
Happy New Year Rose!

Fung said...

How is your husband's Hilux now? Was it costly to repair?

mun said...

A summary of 2016 is best to remember the year by. Happy New year to you and your family. Have a blessed 2017!

Sharon D. said...

Happy New Year once again, Rose! What an amazing year for you and your family.

aki! said...

This year has really included some ups and downs for your family! Best of luck in 2017.

7% Solution

Blackswan said...

Wonderful round-up, dear! All the best to 2017! xoxo

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I have each uncle my dad side and my mom side passed on last year :(

Lotus said...

2016 was a good year for me.