Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Miscellaneous Picture #62: On Food

Clearing up my phone memory again. On food that we had the past few weeks.

Hubby bought back these big prawns from Sri Aman and what better way than to steam them. Sweet and good.

Saw these cockles at the fishmonger and couldn't resist buying and cooking them. With ginger, lemongrass, chilli and dark soy sauce, my mum's style.

Not my cup of tea, these century eggs. This was ordered in Go Fun Kee when we had our bak kut teh dinner.

Found a stall in Nanyang Food Court that serves good claypot pork belly with salted fish and dried chilli. Finished up my big plate of white rice with this appetizing dish.

No longer that good in Noodle Expert, Kenyalang. Its cheng soup used to burst with generous ingredients and flavours but now it is nothing much but few bacon strips, prawns, mince meat, seaweed and veggies.


Sherry Go Sharing said...

wow..nice. feel so hungry now

suituapui said...

Ooooo...cockles. Have not eaten for a long long time. Prawns, century eggs...I love them all!! Yum yummm!!!!

mun said...

I like to eat all the food that you have shown here. The least is cockles. The century egg I like but not soaked in the sauce like that.

PH said...

I happen to like century eggs, so I would happily eat your portion. LOL!

Reanaclaire said...

Cockles!! I never buy them for many many years now... so this is the way you cook them... Something new to me...

Hayley said...

Prawns and cockles, I want!! The rest, I don't mind too :p

Lotus said...

Opposite to you, I like century eggs and long time never eat cockles in this way

raihanah said...

wah sedapnya miss. that udang so tempting

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I loves prawns...

Merryn said...

I love century eggs! I can eat many many many of them. Steamed fresh prawns are so yums. I dont get fresh prawns easily here :(

Blackswan said...

The prawns look huge! I wanna eat them too! xoxo

Unknown said...

Claypot pork belly with salted fish. Yumz I can eat this with just plain rice.