Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Give me eggplant, and I cook

I happen to bump into this Sarawak Tourism site.  Look what I found! Sarawak Top 10 iconic food poll done in 2012. This would be very outdated, not too sure of its ambiguity; and someone should get it done on yearly basis. I am sure Sibu Kampua, Hakka kacangma or Kuching oh-chien would be in the Top 10 list. 

Oh well, if you ever come to Sarawak, you would know what to eat and buy back. ^^

Talking about the iconic Sarawak food, last week I cooked this special Sarawak vegetable that was ranked 8 in 2012 for the first time. My very first attempt! 

You know I am not a huge fan of sour food but this terung asam (sour eggplant or the Chinese called it terung Dayak) beats me to my statement. It is definitely one of my favourite sour food. Hubby bought some on his drive from Sibu to Kuching more than a week ago. Don't ask me why, I never cook this eggplant before and hubby assume that I can cook and bought quite a bagful!!

I gave half of them away to my mum as she loves this vegetable. She usually cook with fish in spicy anchovies soup. The other day I saw an awesome recipe in Coffee Girl that incorporate chicken and terung assam.

For my 1st terung asam cooking attempt, I were not so adventurous, so I used prawns since I have some in the freezer. Here is my simple spicy and sour prawns with terung asam.

Cut the terung in wedges.  Wash off the seeds and put aside.

Clean and devein the prawns.

Spice ingredients include lemongrass (slice the bottom part only), belacan, minced garlics, sliced shallots and chopped dried chillies.

In a wok, heat up some oil and add in the spice ingredients. Saute for a while till fragrant then add in eggplants.

Pour water into the wok, lower the heat and cover the wok with lid. When it simmers, open the lid and add in the prawns. Stir occasionally and let it cook for few minutes till prawns turn colour and egg plants are soft. Add salt and sugar to taste. Stir and off the heat.

Serve warm with white Bario rice!

And my other dishes included yummy omelette and another Sarawak's iconic vegetable, cangkuk manis!


Sharon D. said...

Coincidentally, I had cangkuk manis for lunch and dinner last night. I am still in the dark over day, I say! Very yummy meal, Rose..never fail to make me drool ^.^

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Loves the dishes that you cooked...

Sarawak Malaysia said...

Thanks for your suggestion on the poll thingy, we'll try to do again this year :)


Princess Ribbon said...

The terung asam looks like persimmon at first glance..Your cooking look so yummy, I can eat two bowls of rice..

Anonymous said...

Ooooo...lovely!!! I cook the terung dayak like that too, more or less. I would love that kind of meal anytime over all those classy cafes and restaurants in town. Italian, Japanese, Korean....pfffftt!!!

Linda said...

How nice, Rose! I love omelets. :)

Small Kucing said...

nice terung dayak. My friend from sarawak also like terung dayak. she knows how to cook this

Nancy Chan said...

I have not eaten this terung dayak before or have I? Anyway, you dish looks yummy. You meal of omelette and cangkuk manis and terung dayak should taste yummy.

ChrisAu said...

These food looks very alien to me... hahah... probably have to eat it in Sarawak... also post cangkuk manis like weak spot. oh no.....

mun said...

You are such a good cook, no doubt about it. Your dish looks so tasty!

Merryn said...

Eh so cute the egg plant. Here all long long purple color.

Your dish looks so appetizing and yummy.

Lotus said...

I think I have not eaten this sour eggplant before, looks like something new to me

trishie said...

I don't think I've had sour eggplant before. So intrigued!

Huai Bin said...

I must say that I've never heard of sour eggplant too! I looked at the #8 picture and didn't recognize it. I couldn't recognize the real ones that you took either, is it tamarind? It's some other thing right?

Rose world said...

You have been away from home too long. Haha.