Friday, June 21, 2024

Heng Heng

We had an early Father's Day dinner with my family last Saturday. Venue was this Heng Heng Restaurant. The restaurant was directly across the road from Hong Ang restaurant, Kampung Kenyalang Park. 

My first visit to this restaurant, recommended by my brother as my parents liked coming here for its food. We, the siblings shared the cost as it was Father's Day. Each chipped in RM197 for 7 dishes for 2 tables. 

I didn't take many photos as everyone was pretty hungry by the time the first dish arrived. We started off with "Kay see mee" (stir fried noodle with egg gravy). It was flavourful and tasty. 

Next we had the Yang Zhou fried rice which was equally good. 

Ang sio tofu (braised soft beancurd) was pretty appetizing but got to watch out for the heat. The soft beancurd could burn your tongue!!

Yam basket was everyone's favourite. I can't remember the last time I had this mixed vegetable served in yam basket dish. The quail egg was an extra bonus to this enticing dish. 

Next was this super tasty sweet sauce pork chop. This dish sure blew me away with the tender pork ribs coated with sweet sticky sauce. 

Under recommendation from my mum, this lam kip chicken (stir fry chicken pieces with galangal strips). Yes, it was nice and addictive.  I took a lot of this dish. 

Another dish that received thumb ups was this crispy oyster pancake. Big, juicy oysters with crispy pancake sure had you keep coming for more!!

This cake from Gingerbread House was sponsored by my sis. What a delightful dessert after all the yummy dishes. 


Angie's Recipes said...

A mouthwatering meal! I would love to try that oyster pancake.

Nux V said...

all the dishes look good! i like yam basket too!

Lotus said...

What a scrumptious meal with 7 dishes! I love anything with egg gravy!

mun said...

Wah, so much tasty food! I vote for the yam basket too. 😋

PH said...

Waat a yummy Father's Day makan!

suituapui said...

Cake looks good! Glad to see you all having a great time on Father's Day. My girl and I and my sis went out for lunch, a quiet affair. Something's better than nothing, I guess.