Saturday, May 4, 2024

Three Amigos

It was Jan's birthday on 28th April. Few of her best friends came over to coffee shop in the morning to celebrate her birthday. It really made her day. Thanks for the thoughtfulness and love from her buddies. 

In the evening, as a birthday treat, we went to Three Amigos restaurant at Rock Road. It was our first time dining there. 

Quiet and cozy place to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends. Not .any customers when we dropped by on that Saturday evening. 

Cheesy nachos as our starter for the evening; it was Jamie's order as it was one of his favourite snacks. 

Soon, hubby's grilled sirloin beef steak came. Hubby requested for rare but the steak was more of well done. Taste-wise it was alright but lost that juiciness and tenderness of rare steak. 

I had the classic British Fish & Chips, so I can shared it with Jamie. 

Jay had spaghetti beef Bolognese, and he was able to finish this big portion all by himself. 

The birthday girl went for chicken parmigiana for her dinner. 

Our dinner plus drinks costs slightly over RM200. 


Angie's Recipes said...

Steak is my top favourite. Happy belated Birthday, Jan.

mun said...

Price aounds reasonable. I like to eat a bit of every dish, so yummy! 🤤 😋 Happy birthday to Jan! 🥳🎉🎉🎈

Nux V said...

the foods look yummy! I would try the parmigiana. Happy belated birthday to Jan!

Lotus said...

Hi Rose! I am back. Still alive and kicking. Happy birthday to Jan. We are both April babies. At first I thot Jan's birthday is in January. Fish and parmigiana for me pls.

PH said...

What a lovely outing with good food to celebrate! Belated Happy Birthday to your girl.