Sunday, May 12, 2024

Moved here

Good news for those who loves the stinky tofu that used to be at this place, you can enjoy it again at Lao Jie Fang.

My man happened to saw a post in FB on the stinky tofu operating in this food court not long ago so he immediately asked me to accompany him and we drove over to the food court to search for the tofu.

Thankfully it was opened on that weekend and my man hopped out to order two tubs of the stinky tofu. 

No, I didn't tasted any. I tasted twice in the past, also bought from the sane stall when they were in previous location. 

So my man enjoyed both tubs by himself. One is origin while the other one was black tea infused. 

Now he knows where to enjoy stinky tofu in Kuching whenever he has the craving for it. 


Angie's Recipes said...

Haven't had them in ages...miss them!

mun said...

Wah, so good 👍😊 can enjoy this tofu whenever got cravings.

Nux V said...

there's a stinky tofu truck in the neighborhood weekly night market. Each time i passed by i would hold my breath & close my nose coz i couldn't stand the smell, lol!

Reanaclaire said...

My son loves stinky tofu, he joined in the long queue in Taipei and since he finally got it, I tried a small piece... yes, not bad when it was put into the mouth... hahaha...

Lotus said...

My friend tried sinky tofu in HK before, but I did not try. That day not sure which neighbour had stinky tofu for their meal or snack and gosh it really stinks like poop and like Nux V I couldn't stand the smell lol. Though it maybe tasty but I have to pass the first round of getting near the food before eating it lol!