Sunday, January 12, 2020

Miscellaneous Picture #93 : holiday misc

There were few places that I didn't post as a  whole post since there wasn't much to mention but for the sake of my China holiday, here was the compilation of places that we visited but I didn't write.

Wuxi Studios

Story Share, a beer museum in Wuxi Studios

One of their own brewed beers

HuanHuaWan township, Wuxi

Along the road to tea village

The tea house, Hangzhou

Teresa Teng concert in Hangzhou

Teresa Teng hologram was performing

I liked the canned peach drink

That concluded my China travelogue. Thank you so much for reading and commenting, and hope everyone enjoy the posts and photographs. 


Iwona said...

Nice photos :)

Lotus said...

I like the 4th, 5th and 6th photo, very nice scenery.

PH said...

Your sure visited many places. Did you try the beer too?

Rose world said...

Sip a bit. Sweet, quite pleasant taste.

mun said...

I enjoyed reading about your trip and food so thank you for writing about them.

suituapui said...

Interesting, that Teresa Teng concert.

Nux V said...

wow, Teresa Teng concert...

The Yum List said...

I like to try craft beer.