Thursday, September 5, 2019

The result

After the visit to Normah hospital yesterday, we finally got the allergy blood test result. 

The result was not so good as he is allergic to cow's milk, dust and mite. And mild allergic reaction to egg white and cheddar cheese. 

So in other word, he has quite a list of food that he cannot take as most stuff contains egg and milk. And he has to stop his cow's milk (Anmum brand) and switch to soy based milk.  

As for housedust and mite, it would be slightly difficult to control as dust and mite are everywhere.  But we must try to keep the environment as clean with minimal dust as possible.  Time to invest in a good dust vacuum. 

His condition is much better compared to a month ago. Yesterday, doctor gave me a couple of this mosturiser. Suitable to carry around. 

Few weeks ago, I bought the bigger bottle to be used at home. I bought it from a pharmacy (Shine Pharmacy in Song Plaza) and it was over RM250 at member price. Not very cheap indeed. And not all pharmacies selling this brand. At least it fits Jamie's dry, sensitive skin. 


mun said...

Good to know which food he is allergic to so that can keep away from those food to avoid a flare up.

suituapui said...

Have to dust and wipe and clean, change the sheets every day!!!

Nancy Chan said...

At least the result is out and now you know how to take preventive steps. Good that you have found a suitable cream for his skin.

PH said...

It's good to know Jay is better now. Just need to be more careful with his food and environment.

Lotus said...

I am sure his condition will improve after avoiding those food he is allergic to. Good that the result is out.

lina said...

Good to know, after the results are out.

Reanaclaire said...

My girl also did allergy test before.. hers is allergic to zinc.. which I do not know how to define actually... so I just let it go.. as she grows up, the immunity strengthens..

Imemily said...

I dunno got such allergy test
I got allergy sometimes which I dunno what I allergic to

Ezvina said...

Allergic to cow milk?

hmmm, maybe can give him fresh susu kambing, I like the taste, but not easy to find the fresh one.