Monday, September 11, 2017

The Alleycat & his birthday

It is Jamie's 4th birthday today. Yesterday we had a little celebration for him.

After church, we went to The Alleycat Cafe in Jalan Song Thian Cheok for a birthday lunch.

The Alleycat Cafe is in this building. It is just a stone throw away from one of my favourite kueh chap place in Kuching.

Hmm. Why the name alleycat?  Reminded me of the Malaysian singing band back in the 70s. However I don't think that was the reason; maybe the building was right at the end of this small road and Kuching has always been associated with cats, hence the name "alleycat". Well, this was just my guess. No one know.

I love the setting of the cafe though it was not a big place. A cafe cum bistro. The place was tastefully decorated with many interesting props and stuff. Some were vintage and some were fun to be seen.

Whilst we were waiting for our food, we entertained ourselves with the clown wig that placed on our table. Everyone was enjoying themselves with the wig by taking photos. Of course I were the photographer (as usual).

At first the birthday boy was reluctant to put on the wig but after seeing his older siblings put it on, he did so and posed for me.

One could upload photos to their instagram account but yours truly does not have one. 

The food finally came! First was the spaghetti bolognese. It was good. The sauce was nice and generous.

Spaghetti Bolognese (RM25.90)

Next was the American Fish N Chips. They have few choices of fish n chip, namely Italian, Johnny English, Sawadee, Mexican and so forth but we decided to play safe and go with the American version.

American Fish N Chip (RM28.90)

And everyone enjoyed the crispy batter yet moist fish fillets with parmesan cheese. I like the tartar sauce that come with it.

Finally was the BBQ chicken pizza 11". Something different from our usual flavours of pizza. It was thin crust and the pizza was fine to me.  Not bad with generous toppings (smoked bbq sauce, chicken, onion, mushroom and pepper) but it was nothing to shout about.

Bbq chicken pizza 11" (RM29.90)

Overall, we enjoyed our lunch there. The staff was friendly and the food was big in portion.

I like the song lyric on the receipt. Very creative.

In the evening, we had a simple cake cutting for the birthday boy. He chose his cake theme. Spiderman! I never knew he likes spiderman.

Happy birthday my spidey boy!


suituapui said...

Interesting place! It's his eyes - they're so big, handsome boy! Happy birthday again. Be a good boy and study hard, find a good girl to be your sweetheart. :D

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Happy birthday to Jamie...

Reanaclaire said...

The name is indeed familiar, the food is very appealing and it is a nice place to chill out with family and friends!

Nancy Chan said...

Happy birthday to Jamie boy! Wonderful celebration in a nice comfy place and good food!

Ezvina said...

Happy Birthday Jamie.

Glad the food are good, quite pricey le.

mun said...

Happy Birthday Jamie! What a lovely birthday celebration!

IreneC said...

Happy birthday to the adorable Spiderman! Before reading your post, I was wondering why your son was referred to as Alleycat. I think your explanation of why the restaurant is named Alleycat sounds really plausible.

SHON said...

Happy birthday belated.

The Yum List said...

What a cute photo in the wig - his expression seems to read "okay mum, just for you."

PH said...

Very cheery celebration for Jamie! He looks so adorable in that colorful wig!

Lotus said...

What a wonderful birthday celebration with food and photo-taking. It will serve as precious memories in future.

Happy belated birthday Jamie boy.

He looks so cute in that wig.

Merryn said...

A belated Happy Birthday Jamie. Sorry couldn't wish here earlier. Been tied up with something.

Such a nice spidey cake he has there. Love it!

Sharon D. said...

Oo... what a nice place to celebrate. I absolutely love the ambiance! Good choice, Rose ;) Belated Birthday greetings to your little one. The Birthday cake must have been fun to eat.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

happy birthday to Jamie. time fly it's another year.