Saturday, June 10, 2017

13 years

Thirteen years ago, I made an important decision that changed my life. A vow of eternity with the man I love. That was in 2004.

A year later, I woke up early in my bedroom, listening to the night sound. Actually I did not even slept well the night before.  Maybe because I felt giddy. All the excitement, the rush got into me. 
I got up from my bed, went down to the kitchen to help my mum. It was before 5pm as my hair stylist cum makeup artist was to come around 5.30am.  I went to hug my mum and said  "I am getting married today".  Officially, with relatives, families and friends as witness and shared the  bliss with us. Well, secretly I knew my parents shed a tear or two.  Tears of joy, definitely.

The wedding day was a joyful whirlwind.  It was a blissfully beautiful day. I did not even remember how I survived that day but I did.  The morning event from my house to hubby's house, the kowtow and tea ceremony, and we hardly have time to rest our bodies, and then it was on and on till the wedding reception in the hotel.
And today, 13 years on, I woke up in our little home, a place we happily called our home. Blessed with 3 wonderful children, I could not ask for more.  So much has happened in the last 13 years and yet, they also gone like a blink of an eye.  But one thing for sure. Our love stays strong. We have (and still have) so much to learn as husband and wife, and I am thankful we have God the solid rock upon which we stand. Here's to many decades more in sweet covenant, my love. I love you so!!!


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Happy Anniversary, Rose

suituapui said...

Happy Anniversary!!! May God bless you two with lots and lots more happy years ahead. Cheers!!!

mun said...

Happy Anniversary! What a touching post!

Lotus said...

Happy Anniversary Rose

Blackswan said...

Wow, congrats, dear! Happy Anniversary & may you have many more years to come! xoxo

Merryn said...

Happy 13th Anniversary dear and many more beautiful years together to come :)

lina said...

Happy 13th anniversary.

PH said...

You made the right decision :) Happy Anniversary, Rose! Thirteen years of happiness and many more to come!

Nancy Chan said...

Happy 13th Anniversary! Wishing you many, many more years of joy and happiness.

Sharon D. said...

Happy Anniversary, Rose! May your family be blessed with all things joyous and good! You have such a beautiful relationship. xx

Nux V said...

so touching hearing ur story...Happy anniversary, Rose!

Ezvina said...

So sweet! Happy anniversary.