Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Back to one

Early this year, hubby received a notification on his transfer to Sri Aman beginning March. So this morning after a breakfast with him, hubby has to drive more than 2-hours on the wet road under heavy rain to the remote town.

It is neither near nor far, but again, he will have to be away from the family due to work whether he likes it or not. And again, just a month shy of a year, I am back to one. A solo parent, taking care of the "fort" and my 3 kids.

Been there, done that. I guess it would not be any difference or harder than last year. Of course, the kids and I will miss hubby around the house but at least we got to see him on weekends if he can make it.

Just wonder how long he would be stationed in the new branch this time?? Anyhow, wish him all the best, take care of himself well there.


Princess Ribbon said...

You can do it sweetie.. Hope the transfer thingy would not be too long.. And yeah, he could arrange to come back during weekends if possible :)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear!!!! But Sri Aman is not far, road is good. Duck kolo mee at Sg Tengang very nice, lots of things to buy at Lajiao... I would love to drop by - see benak, got nice hotel now.

Lotus said...

You are a super mama, I am sure you can do it, and don't worry, you can see your hubby during weekends, they say distance makes relationship fonder

mun said...

You can do it! Hope he can always come home during weekends.

ChrisAu said...

Poor thing but I am sure you can handle the family !

Sharon D. said...

Aah...this tugged at my heartstrings. You are a strong and wonderful woman, Rose. I hope it's a short transfer - praying for you guys!

Huai Bin said...

I've been to Sri Aman before, nice town. I used to go when I was working in Kuching.

Actually, it's not considered far over here. A lot of people live in Seremban and work in KL and it's over an hour to drive to work in the morning. However, it takes me 40 minutes to get to KL from my house too so it works out if you work in Sg Buloh or somewhere to that side of KL.

However, things in Sarawak are different - our roads aren't as good and it's not as wide (no 4 lane highways) so it makes driving a lot longer.

Blackswan said...

Ouch, I feel the pain for you, dear! Not easy juggling 3 kids alone. Nonetheless, you're a supermum & I'm sure you'll manage well :D

Merryn said...

Oh dear! Hang in there, you can do this. I wish I can say something positive for you but I feel so heavy hearted reading this.

But I know you are one strong momma and your kids are very well brought up so yeah, you can do this. John is a very lucky guy to be married to such a capable wife. Stay strong and hugs.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Hopefully his transfer there won't be too long...

Rose, jiayou, u can do it...

lina said...

All the best to you, hubby and the whole family. :)

Sherry Go Sharing said...

he transfer there for how long? last time my dad transfer from selangor to kuching 3and half year, he brought me along n my mom. but left my elder sibling in selangor.