Saturday, January 30, 2016

Cutting it short

The thing I fear the most! Being sick!!

Have been sniffled since Thursday. Took some flu pill yesterday and as to this morning, I am still recovering from it. It was just out of nowhere; caught the flu bug on Thursday. Maybe got it from kids. Everyone is either cough or sneeze. Oh well. Better sick now than on CNY.

On a good note, I got a hair cut the day before.

Finally, I dragged my legs into a salon and have the most deserved hair cut!!

This lady has been busy with kids that she did not have any time to pamper herself. Oh well, CNY is just around the corner and that is the biggest excuse to get one. 

My poor tresses need a good trim. I had it trimmed last August and there was some curls and colour so this round, I got them all chopped off. All straight and black now!! (Of course, you don't count those few white hair desperately growing on my head!)

A little adventurous by getting short side bangs this time. A little odd at first. Not used to having side-swept bangs, maybe.

That is it. My new hairdo for the new year.  


Yannie said...

Good to have a change on our hairstyle especially for the new year.

Reanaclaire said...

Great! New year hairstyle! Trim neat before CNY... I cut mine one month ago and it was so short... I thought one month later now it would grow a bit longer but see see, still the same length.. hahahaa... Drink more water or Vit C.. yes, weather nowadays is very hot...

Anonymous said...

Nice! I got my hair cut last week too. The guy used those electric clippers...and "mowed" the sides away!!! I said aiyor!!!!! So short!!! He said nothing much left up there (even used a mirror to show me) so this would be a better balance...and besides, this is new fashion!!! Duhhhhh!!!!! I hope it will grow back a bit by new year! :(

Ezvina said...

Nice, no hair color for CNY? My fren put on brown, red n purple for CNY. Very happening.

ahlost said...

I had my haircut too.. too busy with baby I forgot to snap a photo of myself after I came out from salon. Hmm...

nice hairstyle btw.. hehehehe...

Lotus said...

I already had my hair cut on the first day of 2016

Huai Bin said...

Get well soon! :)

Yeah, your hair looks great!

I also got a haircut on Friday coz Chinese New Year is coming up. I cut it real short at the 15 minute places. It's getting more expensive now though - RM 19-20 instead of RM 16-17.

Agnes CF Lee said...

Wow new hairdo..Thought of trimming my hair before CNY but I am one super lazy going to the salon, since the price will go up during CNY season, I will cut my hair after CNY.

Small Kucing said...

Not bad leh. Hey this yr i saw quite a number of my friends having bangs

Imemily said...

I also have bangs
Feel weird at first but will adapted to it soon :D

Merryn said...

I like your new hairdo. Bangs look nice on you :)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I don't keep my hair long, usually short, i had oily scalp...

mun said...

Get well soon! Wow, you can keep your hair so long. Good to cut it shorter, easier to manage. You are looking good despite being so busy in January.