Friday, August 1, 2014

August + Moving

Aah. August 2014! A month of birthday celebration. Simply could not help but love August.

Jay is turning 5 this month and yours truly is going to blow 37 candles on the cake! Gosh!  Where all these months gone to?

This month, it is going to be another busy month.  Princess is having her school exam as well as her 1st piano's practical exam.  I am both anxious as well as excited for my 8 year old.

Last month, hubby went for a promotion interview in KL.  He is applying for a Regional Manager, which is in charge of the Central Borneo's branches.  Those know my hubby who know he is a confident and out-spoken person. Hubby is not a nervous type but he was so nervous about the interview that he could not sleep at night!  Why not?  He was meeting his CEO in the interview.  However his performance as the Branch Manager in Sibu during the one year here was great and exceeding the target, so in the end, he landed on the new job! After all those sleepless nights and hassle of preparing the slideshows, he finally have the promotion. Hubby will be needed to report to his new office in Miri by October.

We were having some discussion on the moving the last few weeks; whether to follow him or move back to Kuching.  After weighing the pros and cons, we finally decided that kids and I will be moving back to Kuching while hubby can concentrate on his new job in Miri.  It is a tough job and require frequent flying here and there. Not so sure how long he will be there, but for at least 2 years to prove his credibility.  Hopefully by then he can transfer back to Kuching.
I think this is the best for the kids to move back to Kuching.  They can settle down.  It is rather tiring and stressful moving around, with 3 young kids. That mean, I would need a maid to help me with kids and house chores. Maybe get my sis to stay with us while we look for a maid.
Now I have to slowly pack some stuffs to bring back to Kuching and some to Miri.  You would not want to know how much we have here. How can we have so much in just a year??


Princess Ribbon said...

Hmm, sounds like a busy month.. But you'll manage, you are a super-mom..

Small Kucing said...

Congratulations to your husband

Yes...good move to move back to Kuching. At least friends and family will be there

suituapui said...

Soooooo fast!!! You just moved here, already moving away. Miri is very nice, but more expensive. I would think it is best to follow the hubby wherever he goes but I guess you all prefer Kuching and has your own house there. Kuching's not as expensive as Miri...but Sibu's the best! Cheap and nice, and I am here! Hehehehehehe!!!!

Unknown said...

Ya, time flies so fast. Jay is super duper cute...and chubby too. Wish to hug him

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Congratulations to your hubby...

It's quite tiring when moving, packing and unpacking, etc...

ChrisAu said...

Oh .... moving again ? Hope you can guys can finally settled down !

Sharon D. said...

Exciting news. Congratulations to your hubby, Rose.

It wasn't an easy decision, I guess. May God bless you with a smooth transfer :)

cre8tone said...

Happy moving!

Yee Ling said...

Good news indeed for your hubby. I am sure you all have tough decision but great to know at the end you all have decided what is the best for you and family.

ahlost said...

Congratulations to your husband ;)

and all the best in the house moving.. i have yet to start tidying up my room for the coming big day :x

Hayley said...

Sounds like a busy month!

But everything will be alright la! ;)

mun said...

COngrats to your husband on his promotion! All the best moving back to Kuching to your own house and children. I guess your husband will visit you all in Kuching from Miri whenever he can.

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Wow! Such a big move and congrats to your hubby.

Lotus said...

Congrats to your hubby getting the promotion and all the best in everything

Lotus said...

Congrats to your hubby getting the promotion and all the best in everything

Reanaclaire said...

Congratulations to your hubby! Moving back to your own hometown is somehow comforting, right? Happy Moving and hope all will run smoothly as planned..