Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Baby soft skin

Bath time is the favourite play time for my youngest.  Jamie loves to stay longer in the bathroom, soaking and playing in his tub more than any other activities.

When it is his bath time, he would immediately take off his pants and waiting for me at the bathroom door to bathe him. Recently I let him try this new wonderful product from EnviroHome, called Top-to-Toe Baby Wash.  Now he loves his bath time even more! Why not?  Because EnviroHome Top-to-Toe Baby Wash loves him as it is gentle on his delicate skin.

This chemical-free body wash is suitable for those with sensitive skin. It is formulated with natural ingredients such as aloe vera extract, coconut oil, lemon extract and lavender oil to give you that smoother and softer skin after shower.  And it is not only just a body wash, it has healing properties that you could apply a small amount on wounds, cuts, diaper rashes and eczema after shower.

You may remember that Jamie used to have serious eczema when he was a baby, but thankfully his skin has healed and now I am letting him to bathe using Envirohome Top-to-Toe Baby Wash to keep his skin and hair clean, hydrated, and healthy.   It feels great to hug and touch his baby soft skin; not those rough, red rashes and patches. And I love that this baby wash has that mild fragrance which come from botanical extracts, unlike most baby products which are overwhelmingly with strong fragrance.

How to use:
For Shower:
Apply EnviroHome Body Wash onto wet sponge or palm. Gently rub or apply onto skin.  Rinse well.

For Bath:
Pour small amount of EnviroHome body Wash into a bathtub of warm water. Let your baby soak in for about 15 minutes and dry with towel after bath.

The little one enjoys his natural bath and splashing in his tub!

If your precious ones have sensitive skin, you could not go wrong with this wonderful  baby wash. It is chemical-free, bubble-free, fragrance-free and colorant-free; real gentle and delicate for your babies.

Learn more about EnviroHome Body Wash and other EnviroHome products from the official website and FBFan page.


Princess Ribbon said...

Ooooo, I didn't know EnviroHome got head-to-toe.. I only saw other bloggers blogging about detergent and laundry thingy only.. They contacted me few times but I declined, no time to review+blog about it coz I will be on sick leave next week already, getting ready for pregnancy due thingy, arrrgh, if I know got baby products, sure I want also want leh..

Small Kucing said...

wish i had this when J was a baby. He used sebamed. Coz the usual one he will get rashes.

This Envirohome is good

Yannie said...

Envirohome is indeed great for skin. He looks so cute, he has big round eyes.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Jamie with his signature pose, hehe...

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha!!!!! So cute! I like his finger pose! Eng eng eng!!!

Merryn said...

Yes it is important to use chemical-free products for babies and toddlers. Looks like a good product. Thank you for sharing, Rose.

Nancy Chan said...

Cute little Jamie loves his Enviro Toe to Toe bath!

Lotus said...

Jamie so cute, I like picture #3, it is like he saying "No No No"...hee hee

Królowa Karo said...

I don't know this brand, but this all sound very good.

trishie said...

Sounds like a wonderful product gentle on little one's skin. My boy loves bath time too!

Unknown said...

Great selection!
Have a nice day!
Angela Donava

mun said...

Good for Jamie that his mother gives him good products to use. He looks so happy playing in his bath tub.

Sharon D. said...

I think Jamie just informed us that this product is no. 1 for him .. =D