Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas oh Christmas

We are back in Kuching. Arrived safely but tiringly this afternoon. However the feeling of coming home is great, if you get what I meant.  :)

I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas 2013 and a Happy New Year!!!  Cheers!


suituapui said...

Blessed Christmas, God bless...and have fun in Kuching. Been raining heavily all day, I hear?

Rose world said...

Thank you. Yes, it has been raining non stop since Sat and some areas are flooded. Worsen this year. Hope clear day tomorrow onwards. *fingers cross*

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family...

ChrisAu said...

Merry Christmas , Rose !

wenn said...

merry christmas!

Rose world said...

Thanks Sharon, Chris and Wenn. Merry xmas to you too.

Unknown said...

Merry merry Christmas. So how is your Christmas yesterday.

Rose world said...

Spent most time on the road yesterday. Haha. But a wonderful day.

Had dinner with my family and slept early. Too tired from the road trip.

Lotus said...

Happy Boxing Day to you and your family and happy 2014 too!!!

Sharon D. said...

Merry Christmas, Rose!