Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So out of shape

I have not been attending aerobic classes for 2 months now. And some of my aerobic friends and instructor even call me up, wondering whether something is happening to me. For the past 1 year I have been actively attending the classes, at least twice a week, but since September, I hardly can squeeze some times for it.

I do feel that I am fatter. Forget about that curvy waistline, now everything is one line! And poor hubby, he has to endure my long complaint about my body. LOL! Not forgetting the late dinner that we have almost every night, usually around 8 pm. Every evening we would tag along at my brother-in-law's cafe, which open its door early of the month. The cafe is situated next to Choice Premier and it serves nice Chinese dishes. Not that I am boastful about my BIL's outlet, but it is worth trying. Being family, of course we have privileges of food tasting and not to mention our big portion of dishes. So you can imagine how hard for us not to eat too much after a tiring day at work, right? I tend to eat more when I am tired. Funny? I tried to limit my intake but knowing my limit, I just cannot stop myself from finishing what is in front of me. Sigh!

Do you pant for breath when you walk up the 1-storey high stairs? I do. That show how unfit I am. Sigh! Sometime I wish for a trackmile in the comfort of my house, but then again, it is just a thinking. When I do have a trackmile in front of me, will I really exercise? LOL! Man! I am so confused, right? Dont really know what I want. I think I have some lazy bones in me after been idle for so long. LOL.


Dav DiDi said...

Hahhaa.... Me too!! Didn't go aerobics for almost 1 mths now ...

I replace aerobics with jogging..been so demotivated to go aerobics.. now I'm thinking to join other thing... dancing or maybe back to yoga ...

Anonymous said...

i stopped my yoga for a month...tot i will skip many classes this month..hehe

a reward for u at

Zooropa said...

It's a sign of getting lazy to exercise Rose! Try to do something about it before it's too late.
