Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Wonderful friend

First of all, Happy April! First quarter of 2014 has gone and we are in the 2nd quarter now. 

It was a great 1st quarter with all those CNY holiday and also my honeymoon in Thailand. And kids have a good times in school. Princess did well in her 1st semester exam. All subjects except Chinese were in the 80 -90s marks. Her Chinese tests were in the 60s marking, so she needs to improve and read more.

And last by not least, thanks to Suituapui for giving me some instant noodles last week. I passed him some gifts from Thailand. We had breakfast together in Yummy cafe and Mr Nice Guy was not only kind to pay for my breakfast, he gave me some instant noodles. I have to admit this is my first time eating purple wheat noodles and it does taste like those normal noodles. 

And I guess purple wheat is healthier than those instant noodles, so of course I do not hesitate to give it a try. Some more I think I did gained some weight while holidaying in Thailand and someone (you know who you are!) commented I look rounder. *wink*

I cooked this wheat noodle with soy & vinegar flavour on Thursday. And boy! I love soy sauce and vinegar in my noodles. It reminded me of Min Joo's vinegar kolok mee in Carpenter Street, Kuching. Lol.

But the vinegar is slightly overwhelming for me. Too sour and I could not taste the soy sauce at all. But I love the texture of the noodles. Firm texture is my kind. Probably with reduced vinegar, it will taste nicer.

I added fried shallots to go with my noodles. 

Going to try other flavours soon but a bit hesitate to try that Indomie green noodles because it has green chili seasoning. But I guess it wouldn't be as spicy as the green curry I tried in Thailand, right? 


ChrisAu said...

Yummy ... Sometimes I just prefer a simple plate of noodles in dark sauce. Reminds me of my mum's cooking.

suituapui said...

Wahhhhh....so much fried onions! LOL!!!

As they say, as thou giveth, so shalt thou receive...or the Chinese people would say, oo lai, oo khi...got come, got go. Thanks again to you for the goodies from Thai land and Sarikei.

Princess Ribbon said...

Princess did so well in her exam, clever girl.. Any rewards/treats? Guess she must be a happy girl, mummy more happy I think..hehe..
Ooohhh, fried shallots sprinkled on top of fried noodles won't go wrong, sedap nomatter how you cook it.. Yummehhh...

Hayley said...

Looks yummy la, the noodles~

Reanaclaire said...

So nice of Mr. Nice Guy! hahaha... he loves to pay for food.. very generous of him besides sending and promoting noodles as well !! :)

Coffee Girl said...

Wah you two know each other? awesome small world! And congratulations to Princess!

Small Kucing said...

Yea lo. STP so kind. Also sent me rice biscuit

Sharon D. said...

Interesting instant noodle flavours, looks yummy ^.^

Somewhere in Singapore said...

STP is a very nice person ya, hehe...

Good to hear that your kids did well... :)

Yee Ling said...

Interesting to see different types of noodles. I want to hunt for it soon.hehhe

Blackswan said...

Oh yes, Koka is popular for its purple wheat noodles in SG too! I've also cooked & posted the noodles couple of years ago. Lovely!

mun said...

Well done to your daughter for getting good marks. Good to hear you finally meet up with a fellow blogger in Sibu and exchanged edible gifts. The purple noodle looks delicious.

Agnes CF Lee said...

have not seen these green and purple noodles in the supermarket here..are they only sold in Sarawak or in Thailand?

Rose world said...

It is imported. Like Shirley mentioned, it is pretty popular in SG.

Azura Chan said...

He really is an expert when it comes to selecting noodles. hehe.

Lotus said...

I have never seen the purple noodles in Singapore, would love to try them...

Lotus said...

Wah, your girl did well, 80-90 marks is considered very good, kudos to her and her mummy too