Sunday, February 9, 2014

Blog giveaway - Heart Locket and L.o.v.e. Wristlet

(Please scroll down for updated posts, thank you)

Rose World together with Jascraft is proud to bring you this Valentine's Day giveaway to my fellow bloggers and readers.

Jascraft is an online fashion site that features creative and unique costume jewellery and accessories for the trendy ladies. All are handmade and price is reasonable.  You will also find interesting themed designs every month to cater to different tastes.

This lovely set are from bright silver and worth RM60 from Jascraft

If you want to win this lovely necklace and bracelet set from Jascraft, just enter this blog giveaway and you may have a chance.

Rules of this giveaway are:

  1. Open to residents of Malaysia and Singapore only and this giveaway will run till 9 February 2014 2400hrs
  2. Follow Jascraft facebook page by clicking "Follow"
  3. Like Jascraft facebook page by clicking "Like"
  4. Leave comment in this post by telling me one non-human thing in this world that you love the most and why so.  Each participant is allowed to enter one comment only
  5. Also leave your email address so I can contact the lucky winner.  No anonymous name is allowed so you must leave your name and email address for verification.

Announcement of winner will be made on 10 FEBRUARY 2014.  The participant with the best and most sentimental comment will be declared winner.

So ladies, what are you waiting for? And gentlemen out there, you are welcomed to join too.  Whose know, you may win this prize and present it to your loved one.

All the best!!


Somewhere in Singapore said...

All the best to those who join...

Hayley said...

Me a bit busy lately, don't think I got the time to join!! :(

Anyway, good luck for those who join!

suituapui said...

They really look very nice. Good luck to those joining. Nobody joining, just give to me lah... I give one to my missus and the other to my daughter. Chun-chun! Muahahahahaha!!!!!

Lotus said...

One non human thing i like is paper because i like the look the feel and the touch of papers especially papers with a lot of colours and graphics

My email

Lotus said...

I had followed and liked jascraft facebook page

Unknown said...

One non human thing I like most is smartphone which I can kill my time by playing games and communicate/chat with loved ones/friends on important or random things.
I have follow and likes as requested in my facebook.

ChrisAu said...

Good luck to folks who's joining. Yeah, like STP said, if nobody join then givbe it to me too. hahaha..

mun said...

Good luck to all those who joined!

Blackswan said...

Congrats on your awesome giveaway, Rose! Good luck to all!

Reanaclaire said...

Nice giveaway, Rose... Sweet... for young girls will be most suitable..
One non human thing I love most? I cannot think of one I love most cos I love a lot of things! For now, what came to my mind is my guitar... I love strumming songs and singing to "detress" myself... :)

wenn said...

they look lovely..

Putri Valentina said...

I love the necklace dear :D


Iriene said...
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Iriene said...

Hi Rose,

I have 'Like' & Followed' Jascraft Facebook page :)

A 'black & white photo' showing my mum carrying a 2 years old me ...
She basically carried me to see chickens at her self-made chicken coops in persuading me to stop crying - a diversion effort :)
I love this photo because it shows my mother's tender loving care, taking time to spend with me despite having millions of task to do outside in raising 8 children. I love you mum, "Happy Valentine's Day"!

All the best to all participants and I would like to wish everyone here "Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year"

Princess Ribbon said...

I like the wristlet.. It looks so sweet..

Wait, is the word "pink" considered a non-human thingy? I have a fetish for all things pink, and my almost 3yo boy is wearing pink rompers!

Anyway, good luck to those who join :)

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Wow! Cool stuff! Happy new Year Rose.

Azura Chan said...

I love giveaway!
Done all the tasks. One non human thing i like is... of course book!! Hehehe... Book is my drug. ;-P
Good luck to all who participate.

Unknown said...

I love my Hamilton automatic watch that I've been wearing it all the time. Time is very precious for me.

Dav DiDi said...

One human thing - time.

It's the most challenging to make sure that 24 hours a day is enough to do everything. When we grow older, with kids especially, chasing and fighting over time is something everyone will learn to progress

ykristen said...

My smartphone.
It allows me to be updated at all times about my friends and family, besides keeping abreast with current world issues. It also has a picture gallery which reminds me of great times with people i care about.
It keeps me connected w the living things that i love.