Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Meet up

One day I went to The Best Corner to meet up with a friend.

It has been few months since I came here. Didn't know what to have but I would decide once I was there.

I was there first and few minutes later, my friend came. We took turn to go around and order our food. I came upon the fish head mihun soup stall that I had never try so I ordered this fish fillet mihun for RM8.

It was nice. I like the clear, flavorful soup and the fresh fish fillets. My friend had dumpling soup but I didn't took photo of her food.

I had a nice morning breakfast meet-up with my friend. And she gave me these 2 cans of tuna from Solomon Islands. Her husband recently came back from Papua New Guinea and brought home these canned tunas.

They are still in my pantry. I haven't try them out yet.


Twilight Man said...

I always love to eat Fish Head mihun Soup with milk. There are many good stalls here in KL.

I am always curious about Solomon Islands and Papaua New Guinea! The canned food is a surprise to me as their fishing industry rakes big income.

suituapui said...

What a coincidence! I had fish bihun today, the milky version...or just a bit actually as my girl thought her tom yam one was too spicy so the very nice daddy gave her his and took her tom yam. LOL!!!

PH said...

I was thinking of doing something with my can of tuna this weekend. LOL!

mun said...

I prefer fish fillet to fish head too.

Reanaclaire said...

I am having a bout of cough now and this bowl of hot fish noodles really makes me salivate...

ez vina said...

Tuna / Sardin in the can, takut la nak makan buat masa ni.

lina said...

Meeting up with friends is always nice :)

Imemily said...

from tourism show on tv, I get to know Papua New Guinea is not a safe place to visit especially the roadside market :( but ppl going there for diving as the coral is nice....

Blackswan said...

Love tuna! They're a must-have in the kitchen! xoxo

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Has been a while since I est it...

Somewhere in Singapore said...


Sakuranko said...

Oh very interesting recipe darling

Lotus said...

Did you spend a long time chatting and catching up with your friend? Must be, it's nice to meet up and catch up with friends.

I love fish fillet clear soup like yours, but usually I have rice or Mee Suan.

Nancy Chan said...

I prefer the meat than the fish head, no need to look out for those bones. Great to meet up with friends. I have heard of Solomon islands.

Sharon D. said...

Lucky you, Rose - so nice of your friend to bring something back for you to try :)

I haven't had fish head noodle soup in a long time. It was once a regular thing for me. This looks absolutely yummy.