Sunday, August 12, 2018

Celebratory dinner

We had a celebratory dinner over here after the taekwondo competition last Saturday. The prize giving finished slightly after 4pm and we thought might as well we had our dinner outside now rather than go home, get changed and go out again. Anyway, the kids were pretty hungry by then. So an early dinner that day as we were at Sidewalk around 5pm.

I don't remember the last time we were here but it must have been a while. However the place was still much the same. No one except us were there since it was too early for dinner. So the waiting wasn't long at all.

My taekwondo girl requested for fish n chip as her prize so that was why we ended up here. It opens at 4pm in the evening. Most eateries not open yet at 5pm.

She loved this platter with its crispy batter coated fish and lovely tartar dipping. The boys also had the same as they shared one set.

I was a little under the weather that day. So I went for Cajun chicken with linguine. The linguine was nice except the roasted chicken was a tad too salty for me.

My man went for the simplier pasta, Alfredo spaghetti. It did looked good and creamy.

Everyone must be very hungry that nothing was left on their plates. All wiped clean!

It was still early when we finished our dinner. The sky was bright eventhough it was in the evening.


Królowa Karo said...

All food looks very good!

suituapui said...

Food makes me think of Wow Wow West here, new place - you wouldn't know as it was not around when you were still in Sibu. I think it's like Anson but some people insist it is a bit better.

PH said...

The fish & chips look good!

lina said...

The food there looks nice.

Ezvina said...

Was there many years ago.
Enjoy your celebration!

Reanaclaire said...

I would like to go for the cajun chicken too.. now I am off fried stuff for the moment.. very hot over here too!

The Yum List said...

I'd rather chefs not add salt. It allows customers to add to their own tastes afterwards.

mun said...

Wow! Even the children finished their fish and chips! Very good!

Lotus said...

It is always good to celebrate with food, food glorious food!

Nux V said...

looks yummy!

Merryn said...

The food looks so good it's no wonder everybody polished their plate clean. Except that overly salty chicken. Did you feedback to the chef?

Sharon D. said...

I like that they weren't stingy with the pasta sauce. The creaminess looks fantastic. Totally drooling over the fish and chips too!