Saturday, August 31, 2024

His day

It was my eldest son's birthday last Sunday. So we asked him what he wanted for dinner since it was his special day so it was his call and he requested for Japanese. 

Our first choice was Little Sushi at Pines Square. The last time we came here was few months ago when hubby and I brought Jan for her SPM celebratory meal.

Back to last Sunday, we arrived at the restaurant slightly after 5pm. Not that crowded, so we were able to find a table for 6 of us. 

Everyone ordered main dish each, so it took a while for everyone to be served. 

Soft shell crab temaki

Jan ordered soft shell crab temaki as her starter. She liked it very much. The little one requested for ebikko, he shared these with his brother. 

*Recycled photo*

The birthday boy had cha soba, which coincidentally that was what he had last year!! That boy, he stayed loyal to one dish!! Lol. 

*Recycled photo*

Jamie chosen this ebi fry jyu himself. As he grown older, he is more adventurous now in trying new food. Of course we still controlling his food intake due to his food allergy and eczema so we try to avoid or reduce the amount of allergen in his intake. As for his eczema, it is on and off affair. Maybe due to the weather, his eczema has not been improving much for these past 2 to 3 months.  

Ebi fry jyu

Yours truly opted for this bento. Always fond of salmon, so I went for the salmon teriyaki bento. 

Salmon teriyaki bento

Mil and Jan had unagu jyu each while my man had daba teriyaki jyu. 

And that was our Sunday dinner. 


NuxV said...

I like Japanese fried food like ebi tempura. The bento looks good too!

PH said...

Very nice Japanese meal! I always love bento as I find meals served like this so attractive.

Angie's Recipes said...

It looks like a wonderful meal! Happy belated Birthday to your son, Rose.

Lotus said...

Japanese. Good choice! Tempura and salmon are my favourites too. The bento look good. Happy belated birthday to your darling son Rose.

mun said...

Happy belated birthday to Jay! I like to eat Japanese cuisine. Very tasty 😋🤤 yummy!